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  1. While Fasolasuchus wasn't one of my top picks, I'm glad it was not Giga #3 (Maip) that won. I'm actually ok that the fasolasuchus won. I'm just hoping it's not just a PVP juggernaut and actually has utility role like how the anky does. Poor Giant Moa bird though. I guess no one likes the idea of a scorched earth version of the ostrich.
  2. I really hope the whole thing regarding the UR5 separate game is a badly worded prank. 🙏 I really hate when game devs do this before or during April 1st as I don't find the holiday funny anymore. 😒 Please let the upgrade be free and not in a separate game. 🙏
  3. I Can Not Unseen the Male Character Wearing the Bunny Costume as Big Chungus.
  4. Look, I just want to Admit it. I'm a Jerk because of My Poor Spelling and Favoritism for the Giant Bison. I'm just letting this Pointless Argument to just Rot in the Sun.
  5. The Game Has SEVEN, I Say, SEVEN Large Theropods! Does ARK Really Need Another Large Theropod in Vanilla? Not in My Opinion.
  6. To Clarify, I Didn't Know I Had to Actually Move my Creature Selection is a Particular Order as I Wanted since I was Familiar to the Lost Island Voting System.
  7. Those Arguments You Said about the Bison Should Also Apply to Carcharodontosaurus. What's it Going to Do that the Seven Large Theropods in the Game Don't Do Already? Bleed? Allos, Carnos and Wild Gigas! Meat Harvesting? A lot of Utility or Face Eaters like Therizinosaurus or Rex! Roars? Yutyrannus!
  8. Well Ask Carcharodontosaurus. It Didn't Win Any Vote Twice but It's Added Regardless.
  9. It's Because I'm Not Familiar with the Voting System for Fjordur. It was Different from the Lost Island One.
  10. I Hate Both the Bat and Carchar for Two Reasons: the Bat cause the Vote was Rigged and the Fact that Carcharadontosaurus is Added For Free for No Reason and No Justice is Given for the Poor Giant Bison or the Other Creative Votes for Fjordur. I Wish/Hope that Wildcard would Look at the Creatures that Weren't in the Top 10 of the Two Voting Submissions and Look at the Unique Traits They Would've Brought into the Game for Roleplaying or Adventuring like the Myotragus or the Giant Amoeba. PVE Players Need More Utility Tames that are Not Gimmicks in PVP.
  11. Any News on the Third Creature for Lost Island? We All Need to Know What's the Third Creature for the New Free DLC Map!
  12. Am I The Only One That's Worried About The Tail Wiggle Emote?
  13. This Event is Awesome, but I feel like several missed ideas like a Zombie Brontosaurus and Parasaur Skins when killing a Wild Zombie Brontosaurus and Parasaur (based on/Parody of the Primal Plague of Madness Episode), a Sword Skin to look more Ghastly and Mysterious, a Zomdodo Chibi and a Ghost Skin for the Genesis Creatures. Other that that, these new Ghost Creature Skins will look interesting when released.
  14. Sorry to ask this Question, but what are the current updates regarding the announcement of TLC #3? I ask because of the pandemic crisis and other things that have been happening in 2020 so far.
  15. I know this is an unpopular question, but any upcoming updates to Ark on Nintendo Switch?
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