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Everything posted by Xylom

  1. I read you're stuff dude. You're not the person who literally had a fit about said picture. Yeah it's a problem with coding focusing on color. I re read your posts man and you must tripping up. I'm mostly just laughing at the fact so many people bitch and moan about small issues. If you lost your character then that makes more sense. Yet people are going back to the game regardless. That, right there, is what I'm addressing.
  2. I said it wasn't that big of a deal. Look at OP flying off the handle you must confused
  3. Wow a problem with color. The world is raptoring ending. Like it's just a game and that problem compared to others in this game, is faaar less problematic
  4. Bro. They offered you an option, that you're still complaining about. It's not like they wiped your Dino's. Stop bitching
  5. Anyone else updated and not seeing anything different in the game?
  6. Does this have something to do with the ping? My game starts acting up when the ping spikes
  7. Isn't that what their improving on, yet they have so many tickets built up?
  8. most people are just complaining a lot. It's nice to see chill people
  9. Oh no I read you're first post. But go ahead and try to make something as complex as this game and when you do, let's see it. I played ark roughly around when it started. Having to deal with the boring island map. I left around schorched earth because my friends decided they wanted to do something else, as well as the host for a dedicated server decided to be a sausage and give his Xbox to his wife already knowing how much hours we spent on it. I get your frustrations, but all in all, well, this sounds like a you problem. And tribe robbers? I've never even heard of them. Not really from anyone but yourself. But it goes to show how mature people want to act over this game. Ruin it for others who just want to have a decent game. So find a different game if you're so hurt over this one. So that's my 'pithy' response.
  10. I've heard such statement. But how do you know for sure? The game is completed. And I'm not saying it's gonna be butter smooth, I'm assuming if they do release it to console, there's going to be trial and error. They technically decided to give up on rag, since it was a mod, and not theirs
  11. I mean, if they have Crystal isles on wiki does that hint towards anything?
  12. seems like you need a better system. a lot of people run it just fine. Also, if you hate it so much just don't play yeah?
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