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Everything posted by Esseniai

  1. Suggestion how to FIX meshing: The last couple hours i thought about how i would try to fix the mesh problem. here is my suggestion: 1. i would try to solve that issue with raycasts. everytime the client is loading in enemy structures like "turrets" or "generators" a process should be triggered. 2. aslong the enemy strucutres is loaded the process should be repeated every 20 seconds. 3. the process should be randomly triggered every 5 mins or so to prevent player building inside the mesh. Process: 1. Shoot raycast in every direction from the current origin player position. 2. Every raycast should be shoot like 20 meters or until it hits a normal from the mesh. 3. After its hits or hits not save the length of the raycast. 4. Now shoot a raycast back to the player from the postiton there the first raycast stopped. 5. If it hits NOT the origin position of the player or have a different length, then the raycast hits normal of the mesh. 6. That means that the player was INSIDE a mesh. because raycast (like turret shoots) goes throw the mesh, but not BACK in.
  2. Its a temporary fix !!! the current state is unacceptable. you can get the items out of the game for now and start to fix it and bring them later back... and a behemoth and a fcing chair that has no use in the game except meshing are totally different things... Please remove it for NOW until its fixed. i have like 5k ingame hours and 70% of my bases got meshed sooner or later. its just frustrating to loose hours and hours of work because an exploit. like 7k players want the items out of the game for now. https://www.change.org/p/wildcard-fix-meshing-on-ark-pvp-servers?recruiter=903055967&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition&utm_term=share_petition that should be almost every official player. so why you refuse to do it !? do u want to loose your whole playerbase ? And like i said, that fix should be just temporary until you have a better fix !
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