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Everything posted by OdinDovah

  1. It's not about women's healthcare, it's about children's health and life. And this really isn't the place for companies or people to argue about it. I want everyone to enjoy playing my favorite game of all time. WC shouldn't be chiming in on this at all driving the community apart. I said before I'd have the same issue with them if they came out in support of overturning Roe. This community isn't about politics, it's about bloody dinosaurs.
  2. Over 50% of Americans, around 54%, don't believe abortion should be legal and even more disagree with RvW. Even CNN found that a majority of people are happy about overturning. Companies have been warned to keep their opinions to themselves about the case since every time they have spoken out in support they've seen a nose-dive. I would take just as much issue if WC were to come out tomorrow and say they endorse Trump, or DeSantis or espouse any conservative view because it's not their place. A company cannot hold a political view. Individuals in a company can, but they are not a monolith. Most dissenters are going to be quiet in fear of losing their jobs or being ostracized by their coworkers and discriminated against by their employers. In the same way, women aren't a monolith too. Not even close to all women support abortion, especially all the way up to 9 months like some people seem to want when you look at the people running the party. This is not, and has never been about taking away choices. It's about protecting lives, which no matter what your opinion on the matter is, they are lives. Scientists have agreed on life at conception for years. We call single-celled organisms on mars life, but brand new DNA that determines everything from height to hair color to janky teeth, oh no, that can't be a life because that takes away my ability to end it. I understand peoples desire to protect women and their choices, but there are more than 1 choice to make, and 1 persons right to choose cannot be at the expense of another's life.
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