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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Nicodemos64

  1. This game looks nothing like the screenshots and I gotta say I feel a little lied to. I didn't expect it to look even on par with the Xbox and Ps4 versions but its honestly like looking through a grimy pair of glasses that aren't my prescription when its in handheld and isn't the point of this so that I can take it anywhere? In docked mode it looks slightly better but the draw distance is still deplorable, an entire forest can appear in front of you within a few feet without any warning and dinos are no exception to that. I've had a Spino kill me because it popped up out of nowhere 10 feet away from me. There is also DLC for this game that has been out for YEARS. Why can't I play Scorched Earth on my Switch from the get go? I feel like other companies would have just included it with the game at this point. Or at the very least made available to buy? The lack of DLC AND Ark Sponsored mods makes the game feel emptier, less fun, and in my opinion almost unplayable. I don't even like being able to store only 15 things in a chest on PC where I don't really mind walking back and forth between boxes because everything runs so smoothly and looks so pretty. But when it looks like the devil himself vomited onto my Switch's screen I really would appreciate being able to pull resources to my character from the surrounding containers. Just some Food for thought WildCard but until I start to see some improvements I'll be trading mine in for a copy of Diablo. P.s: And btw no motion controls? on a Switch title? Please don't pull a Fortnite and remove one of the Switch's most enjoyable features.
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