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Everything posted by SCAREKRO

  1. I've killed myself, fast travelled, deleted all mods, installed custom cosmetic skins and applied them and then dropped items, tried transferring to other island servers then back to scorched, left my charcter in upload and tried to download, pressed reset cosmetic skins... nothing works.
  2. I can't transfer either. No skins/cosmetics etc. Was working before an update. Now I can't transfer back.
  3. Does anyone from Australia have extremly bad ping to NA servers? Mine has got progressively worse. In ASE I played OC servers official with a ping of 40 and NA with 80-100. My ping on ASA has pretty much doubled over the last week. I was pulling 50 on OC and 120 on NA official but now I'm consistently at 200+ on NA. I've tried everything, contacted ISP, reset router, opened ports etc but nothing seems to fix it. I've heard that it's poopty servers now. Is this true? Anyone else experiencing this from OC regions? I'm on PS5 playing official 1x Console only servers.
  4. Yeah I've heard it's a bug but was wondering if some ini/command setting could fix it.
  5. Does anyone know how to enable the display of the numbers of items stored in a dedi box? Xbox users have the display but no one of PS5 has it or an option to enable it. Is there a console command to force enable it?
  6. Console commands for PvP Official Console Servers should be disabled. It totally ruins the game. I play as a solo and was able to successfully play ASE and survive by staying hidden. Was excited about ASA and the density of jungles/grass and shadow quality, even the ability to hide in clouds. As a solo who plays a guerilla style warfare this was excellent! I couldn't believe that you could allow enabling turning volumetric clouds off, grass off, shadows off, fog off. Absolutely unbelievable and unacceptable. You shouldn't even be able to adjust your gamma if you play online on an official server. Even though I think it's wrong and unethical - leave these options for PC cross play servers and for PvE - I understand that some people may want to turn them off for various reasons and that is fine. But on a PvP console only server it just ruins the game completely. Particularly for small and solo tribes. I experimented with turning these options off and was gobsmacked. The game looks worse than ASE and dense jungles being lit up is ridiculous, ASE had darker, more shadowy environments and better hiding opportunities than this. Please rethink this approach. I refuse to enable these options, it's absolutely pathetic. Can't we just play the game as it was intended? Surely the devs can't want this? I know I'll find a way to survive - within the rules - and even though others may cheat but I'm beyond disappointed...
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