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SWChris's Grand Hills Cave Base - "The Stacks"


SWChris's Grand Hills Cave Base - "The Stacks"
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"The Stacks" is a stylish "ruined" cave base at the bottom of the Central "Grand Hills" cave that you can fast travel to, use as deep storage since there is a lot of vertical space down there, farm Artifacts of the Clever, and use as a redoubt in case your base above is taken over or invaded by an enemy tribe, which could allow for some fun planning of a two-pronged counterattack where one force could attack from the surface and one from within the cave. Especially if you have megalosaurus's in your party.

I built it in creative but designed it to be build-able in survival by a tribe. It's stone and wood for aesthetics on the inside, and metal on the outside. :) 


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