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Movement speed



Please increase standard movement speed or add the stat back into the game. I just bought the game and I didnt know about this one change, I was almost visible sick realizing. I wouldn't have bought this remastered version if i did know. Please add one of the only useful Stat back into the game and stop trying to force us into putting points into food and water. 

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you are already faster than most creatures! 

the speed should be reduced it makes no sense that a human is faster than a carnotaur or an allosaurus, not to mention the damage to pvp if the speed were increased already now the melee fights are ridiculous, if you want to lose most of the creatures you just need to upgrade their vigor and weight 

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Posted (edited)

Really because everything I run from catches me as soon as I'm out of my 400 stamina unless I got lucky uneough to run through a small hole. Did you play the old one, Movement speed was a must and yes fights were crazy. That was ark. What is weight gonna do, I can be empty and still have the same issue. Their aggro is a long distance and almost all creatures are right behind you while you are running away. Idk what you are talking about at all.

Edited by Stevenreese1998
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1 hour ago, Stevenreese1998 said:

Davvero perché tutto ciò da cui scappo mi prende non appena esaurisco i miei 400 punti di resistenza, a meno che non abbia la fortuna di correre attraverso un piccolo buco. Hai giocato a quello vecchio, la velocità di movimento era un must e sì, i combattimenti erano pazzeschi. Quella era l'arca. Cosa farà il peso, posso essere vuoto e avere ancora lo stesso problema. Il loro aggressività è a lunga distanza e quasi tutte le creature sono proprio dietro di te mentre scappi. Non so proprio di cosa stai parlando.

if with 400 stamina points you can't escape from a raptor or similar it's just your problem, not the game's, the fights seem like a sketch 

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That's ignorant, you just claimed how fast we were. Then when I called you out for lying, it's my problem. In the old version every player and tame had upgradable speed. It was a key aspect of the game they just got rid of. Idk if you're a new player but it sounds like you never played the old one. You talk about realistic but we are playing human clones that respawn every time the die on a Ark in space, that has revive old life and created new life. It's not that crazy the clones can run faster. 

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7 hours ago, Stevenreese1998 said:

È da ignorante, hai appena affermato quanto eravamo veloci. Poi quando ti ho denunciato per aver mentito, il problema è mio. Nella vecchia versione ogni giocatore e ogni addomesticato avevano una velocità aggiornabile. Era un aspetto chiave del gioco di cui si erano semplicemente sbarazzati. Non so se sei un nuovo giocatore, ma sembra che tu non abbia mai giocato a quello vecchio. Parli di realistico ma stiamo interpretando cloni umani che si rigenerano ogni volta che muoiono su un'Arca nello spazio, che ha fatto rivivere la vecchia vita e creato nuova vita. Non è così assurdo che i cloni possano correre più veloci. 

I played ASE and I play ASA. realism? no of course but once again allowing players to run at supersonic speeds seems like a horrible idea to me, before you could become so fast that you wouldn't even be hit by the turrets anymore, in every house the cloned human that we play as now is already very fast and I don't have idea of how you can't escape from wild creatures  

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I don't know why your being so argumentative, when you're clearly wrong. I've talk to many who felt the same way as me. We could literally line it up in the game and I could prove I'm right. Every creature run at the same speed or maybe just slightly slower than the player and I mean slightly. Also it doesn't have to be like the old game, it can be capped and half points. It didn't break the old game and I could outrun what I needed. I feel like your a dev in disguise trying to be lazy tbh. The  fact you're trying to argue the new base speed is so super fast that it needs to be nerfed again is crazy lol. 

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8 hours ago, aikkam said:

I played ASE and I play ASA. realism? no of course but once again allowing players to run at supersonic speeds seems like a horrible idea to me, before you could become so fast that you wouldn't even be hit by the turrets anymore, in every house the cloned human that we play as now is already very fast and I don't have idea of how you can't escape from wild creatures  

Also what you're talking about is someone who respected their character to put ALL POINTS IN SPEED, NO HEALTH. And drink beer for the speed increase and maybe rabies for the speed increase. And you couldn't hit anything or slow down. You act like speed is what broke the old game but eight years and no one had a complaint. What broke the game was meshing, duping, and the genesis 2 map.

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18 minutes ago, Stevenreese1998 said:

Non so perché sei così polemico, quando hai chiaramente torto. Ho parlato con molti che la pensavano come me. Potremmo letteralmente allinearci nel gioco e io potrei dimostrare che ho ragione. Ogni creatura corre alla stessa velocità o forse solo leggermente più lentamente del giocatore e intendo dire leggermente. Inoltre non deve essere come il vecchio gioco, può avere un limite massimo e metà punti. Non ha rotto il vecchio gioco e ho potuto correre più veloce di ciò di cui avevo bisogno. Mi sento come se fossi uno sviluppatore sotto mentite spoglie che cerca di essere pigro, a dire il vero. Il fatto che tu stia cercando di sostenere che la nuova velocità di base è così super veloce che deve essere nuovamente nerfata è pazzesco lol. 

slightly faster than creatures? do you realize that the raptor, the carno, allosaurus and the smilodons are animals that rely entirely on their speed? if you make the players much faster than them these animals will have nothing left. Secondly, up to now you have never talked about a speed limit, in any case if this possibility were added how would you set it?

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23 minutes ago, Stevenreese1998 said:

Inoltre quello di cui parli è qualcuno che ha rispettato il proprio carattere per mettere TUTTI I PUNTI IN VELOCITÀ, SENZA SALUTE. E bevi birra per l'aumento di velocità e forse rabbia per l'aumento di velocità. E non potevi colpire nulla o rallentare. Ti comporti come se la velocità fosse ciò che ha rotto il vecchio gioco, ma otto anni e nessuno si è lamentato. Ciò che ha rotto il gioco è stato il meshing, il duping e la mappa Genesis 2.

well then as you suggested there must be a limit to the maximum speed a player can reach 

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34 minutes ago, Stevenreese1998 said:

Il fatto che tu stia cercando di sostenere che la nuova velocità di base è così super veloce che deve essere nuovamente nerfata è pazzesco lol. 

I don't want them to make the survivors slower. 

if I had to change something it would be something else, I'll try to explain myself but I don't know if I can so then tell me if I succeeded: 

1 if you want to improve your speed as you would like, you could connect this improvement with the oxygen statistic due to the link that running has with breathing so it may make sense that if you have a larger lung capacity you can do more sprints fast and this would also give meaning to the oxygen parameter, but a limit is needed on the maximum speed that can be reached, for example the speed can be improved by a maximum of 25%. 

2 when you run the speed increases progressively like the bear does for example, in 15 meters you reach the maximum speed for example.

3 when you make a change of direction while running the speed decreases, for example if while running you change direction by 45 degrees or more the speed drops to the initial speed of the sprint, then by continuing to run it returns to maximum speed. this improves the realism of racing and pvp

4 while you are sprinting, if you perform an attack, the run is interrupted, for the same reasons as point 3 

5 running laterally (when you run to the right or left while continuing to look ahead) does not allow you to reach the maximum speed while remaining at the initial speed of the sprint, again for the same reasons as the 3rd point. 

6 a solution to your problem would be the possibility of increasing the player's speed when he is not holding any object, it is easier to run if you have your hands free we all agree on this, for WC it would be the simplest solution to implement is a function very present in video games.


tell me if you understood what I wrote in all places 

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18 hours ago, MMaas said:



1 hour ago, aikkam said:

well then as you suggested there must be a limit to the maximum speed a player can reach 

They could set it to maximum 115% and each point is worth something like .25 to .5%. I really don't mind if it was heavily balanced from the old game. I agree with you it was getting ridiculous but I am a defensive person. Im play mainly solo and it's not very fun when I have to go out and fight everything to get get anything done. I don't want to be a tank, or constant killer. I want to be nimble, fast and efficient.

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1 hour ago, aikkam said:

I don't want them to make the survivors slower. 

if I had to change something it would be something else, I'll try to explain myself but I don't know if I can so then tell me if I succeeded: 

1 if you want to improve your speed as you would like, you could connect this improvement with the oxygen statistic due to the link that running has with breathing so it may make sense that if you have a larger lung capacity you can do more sprints fast and this would also give meaning to the oxygen parameter, but a limit is needed on the maximum speed that can be reached, for example the speed can be improved by a maximum of 25%. 

2 when you run the speed increases progressively like the bear does for example, in 15 meters you reach the maximum speed for example.

3 when you make a change of direction while running the speed decreases, for example if while running you change direction by 45 degrees or more the speed drops to the initial speed of the sprint, then by continuing to run it returns to maximum speed. this improves the realism of racing and pvp

4 while you are sprinting, if you perform an attack, the run is interrupted, for the same reasons as point 3 

5 running laterally (when you run to the right or left while continuing to look ahead) does not allow you to reach the maximum speed while remaining at the initial speed of the sprint, again for the same reasons as the 3rd point. 

6 a solution to your problem would be the possibility of increasing the player's speed when he is not holding any object, it is easier to run if you have your hands free we all agree on this, for WC it would be the simplest solution to implement is a function very present in video games.


tell me if you understood what I wrote in all places 

Honestly you made alot of good points and if 6 was a thing I feel I wouldn't have so much of an issue. I literally just need to get away from things chasing me. I also need to be able to get my bag and not worry about tapping RB 4 times. I feel like I'm having alot of issues where I easily succeeded in the past game simply because of speed. 

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2 hours ago, aikkam said:

slightly faster than creatures? do you realize that the raptor, the carno, allosaurus and the smilodons are animals that rely entirely on their speed? if you make the players much faster than them these animals will have nothing left. Secondly, up to now you have never talked about a speed limit, in any case if this possibility were added how would you set it?

I was honestly just complaining in this post but I made a better one outlining the issues that I'm facing when I play. I talk about RB being unresponsive, the speed but with a limit, and a few other issues. 

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