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Stop cave/obi/resource/note blocking and random turret placement!



If you want people to at least be able to enjoy your game, turrets should not be able to be placed outside a certain range of a players base. A base should have to consist of a certain amount of foundations and walls, Stop the random turrets on resource mountains and cave blocking. Make it so turrets or bases can not be placed near obelisks, caves, or rare resources. It only lets a very small amount of ppl in the server enjoy the game. The rest rage quit because they cant even play the game. 

A your game servers shouldn't be run by a single Clan of 12 year old's with no life there needs to be a chance for new players starting out to be able to have a chance! 

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21 minutes ago, Bamlett53 said:

If you want people to at least be able to enjoy your game, turrets should not be able to be placed outside a certain range of a players base. A base should have to consist of a certain amount of foundations and walls, Stop the random turrets on resource mountains and cave blocking. Make it so turrets or bases can not be placed near obelisks, caves, or rare resources. It only lets a very small amount of ppl in the server enjoy the game. The rest rage quit because they cant even play the game. 

A your game servers shouldn't be run by a single Clan of 12 year old's with no life there needs to be a chance for new players starting out to be able to have a chance! 

Tamed a lvl 200+ argy and an 200+ anky. flew over a cave area and went to land to get stam. My anky sprinted  at turrets that were cave blocking and that did not shoot at it, as it was on neutral. I tried to follow on my argy but was instantly killed. Both my tames died. 

The next day I went to tame a new argy only to find out that someone placed a tek turret on top of a metal mountain under a tree and my level 241 ptera was killed.

**turrets/bases should not be able to be placed near rare resources, obis, caves. or notes. It only lets a very small amount of ppl in the server enjoy the game. The rest rage quit because they cant even play the game. **

**Your servers shouldn't support the enjoyment of  only 12 out of 80 ppl...**

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my friend, you are talking about a problem as old as ark itself, there are many who complain about this there are many complaints about the blocking of caves, obelisks and more in addition to the very fact that the game seems designed for people who have no life outside from the game but sadly the WC doesn't seem to care 

Edited by aikkam
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Im not the first one to complain about this and I’m sure I won’t be the last so let’s talk about it. Ark has always not been just a “dino game” and has been heavily oriented around sci-fi elements. Letting players block the “tools” (aka artifacts, and obelisks) needed to progress to that sci-fi element not only handicaps the average player but also ruins the competitive aspect of online PVP multiplayer. Ive heard the argument “well it’s PVP, all is fair in war. You can just blow it up and soak turrets easily” but on small tribes for example these alpha tribes blocking the artifacts have alliances of 2-3, so not only am I at a disadvantage already without tek I’m also not just facing a max of 6 people im now facing 12-18. It’s like people are scared of actual competition so they keep the playing field at a huge disadvantage for everyone else. Let’s also talk about the fact that these people blocking the artifacts and or obelisks are also charging people real in life money or what they like to call “tax” in order to use said artifacts/obelisks, how is this not against EULA?? I understand ark is a sandbox game and sandbox is all about limitless creativity however, im a firm believer in there always needs to be a line that can’t be crossed. Remove the ability to build in caves and obelisks. WC I encourage you to poll your community and see how they feel about this, I think I’m with the majority on this opinion. 

Edited by Lids
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