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Miserable experience for a new player


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Hello!  Someone bought me Ark Survival Ascended, and it's been a miserable experience thus far, and I'm not even talking about the game crashing.  Of course, it does crash, and I got no traction on my Steam post, unprofessionally rejected by email, and then had to divine artistic nomenclature of which DLC was first in a fragmented multiverse of a timeline.  I am quite frustrated.


As far as the crash, it happens before the game launches, so I don't have a config file.  The error message leads me to believe that it's a hardcoded developer error message, and it seems to be related to shaders, which idk where they would or would not come from.


From my steam post:

I don't use Steam much, but my friend had me buy this game. Got it downloaded and it complained about drivers, so I updated my nVidia drivers. Now the game crashes on launch. I have not gotten into the game at all. I've seen lots of people complain about the game crashing, but this is crazy.

I'm a dev and a sysadmin, and I have SteamGuard turned off, so I can post but not reply, so has Steam decreed. plz talk nerdy to me.

I don't have the config file (GameUserSettings) that's outlined here:
...\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK Survival Ascended\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\Windows

Presumably because the game hasn't launched yet.

This is part of the file "CrashContext.runtime-xml", which I found in ...\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK Survival Ascended\ShooterGame\Saved\Crashes\UECC-Windows-96D9F06F49A6F8371EB51487BA10446A_0000

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ErrorMessage>LowLevelFatalError [File:E:\ASAContinuous\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\ShaderResource.cpp] [Line: 681]
FShaderMapResource_InlineCode::InitRHI got platform PCD3D_SM6 but it is not compatible with PCD3D_SM5

<CommandLine> -VideoReplayEnabled=false</CommandLine>
<BaseDir>D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK Survival Ascended/ShooterGame/Binaries/Win64/</BaseDir>
<RootDir>D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK Survival Ascended/</RootDir>
<Misc.CPUBrand>AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor </Misc.CPUBrand>
<Misc.PrimaryGPUBrand>NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080</Misc.PrimaryGPUBrand>
<Misc.OSVersionMajor>Windows 10 (Release 1909) [10.0.18363.418]</Misc.OSVersionMajor>

lots of not-human-readable stuff

<Thread><CallStack>ntdll 0x00007fffe3820000 + 9c744
KERNELBASE 0x00007fffe0b40000 + 46931
ArkAscended 0x00007ff73fe50000 + 3eedbea
ArkAscended 0x00007ff73fe50000 + 65ea9f0
ArkAscended 0x00007ff73fe50000 + 3ef2406
ArkAscended 0x00007ff73fe50000 + 3ef225c
KERNEL32 0x00007fffe3520000 + 17bd4
ntdll 0x00007fffe3820000 + 6ced1
<MatchingDPStatus>WindowsNo errors</MatchingDPStatus>
<RHI.AdapterName>NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080</RHI.AdapterName>

ark crash 002.JPG

Edited by allanonmage
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