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Simple metal/element/electronics/prime meat farm


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This is a short guide on how to make a relatively effective element farm. Please note it doesn't produce element directly, it instead makes element dust.

The first step, you will need to tame some tek parasaurs, the higher the health the better.

Next tame a therizino. Level melee fore more resources, or weight so it can run longer without you.

Next set up small chamber, about double the length of your theri. Don't put a roof on.

Next, build relatively high directly above the chamber, and put your male tek parasaur in the very middle of the open space at the top. Fill as much as you can around the male with females, so that their backsides face into the chamber.

Set all the parasaurs to mate, the theri to aggresive and add some air conditioners.





Edited by Donastator
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