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NEANDERTHAL - Homo neanderthalensis




Common Name: Neanderthal

Species: Homo neanderthalensis

Time Period: Paleolithic

Diet: Omnivorous 

Temperament: Aggressive


Wild -  


   Upon first look it may not be obvious, but these early hominids are not the stereotypical “dumb cavemen” that they have been made out to be. They live in small, sophisticated communities of 4 - 8 individuals. On rare occasions they have even been seen with tames of their own, though none larger than a raptor. They wield primitive stone tools, live in stone or wood huts, wear simple hide clothing, and will attack seemingly without mercy if approached. Don’t mistake this for barbarism though, these beings evolved for survival in an unforgiving world, and have developed a relatively aggressive temperament as a result. The only way to pacify this aggression is to approach them unarmed, wearing only hide or cloth armor. 


Befriending - 


  On closer inspection they can be easily divided into one of three distinct categories or “jobs” within their tribes, these being hunters, farmers, and shamans. They are open to trade with survivors they deem non-threatening, with each category offering different items in exchange for items that fit their respective profession. The items they desire as well as the items they are offering for trade are completely randomized, but will align with their set profession. For example: 


  • Hunters: 

                   In exchange for weapons or armor, the hunter will give you big game trophies, such as basilisk scales, giga hearts, etc.

  • Farmers: 

       In exchange for rare seed types, the farmer will give you rare seed types that you may not already possess, or that you need more of

  • Shamans: 

       In exchange for recipes, the shaman will supply you with medical brew or narcotics


   As you trade with an individual you will see an “Alliance Meter”, which fills as you complete trades with the neanderthal. After enough trades have been made with an individual neanderthal, you will be given the option to “Propose Alliance”. Should you choose to propose an alliance, the neanderthal will then either accept or deny this proposal. Should they deny it, the “Alliance Meter” resets, and you will have the opportunity to try to befriend them again through trading. Should they accept, they become a member of your tribe. 


Befriended - 


   Once befriended they will follow you home and are able to fulfill different roles within your base, with each profession performing different tasks. 


  • Hunters: 

       Can act as guards, or can accompany you on fighting/hunting trips, if supplied with weapons and armor. 

  • Farmers:

       If they are housed in your greenhouse they can monitor your crop plots, and if given both seeds and fertilizer, can plant your crops, and then harvest said crops

  • Shamans:

       If placed near a cooking pot and a water source (well, water tap, etc.), will passively generate “Dino-Med Brew” (medical brew that you can give to your tames)


Potential Spawning - 


    Neanderthals would spawn in small “villages” consisting of 3-5 one-by-one stone or wood huts, 4-8 individuals, and, on rare occasions, 1-3 tamed dinos (nothing larger than a raptor).

These villages would spawn in cold biomes, with a slightly lower chance to spawn in the taiga/redwood biomes as well.


Notes - 


     Both PvP and PvE applications have been considered when composing this entry, but please keep in mind that if selected, Wildcard will of course balance the neanderthals as they see fit, so there shouldn’t be any worries there. 

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1 minute ago, AlanGrant716 said:

Exactly my line of thinking. Let me know if you have any suggestions, I’d be happy to hear them!

I am not really thinking that having them set up shops will work well or even be needed. It would be better if they just dropped certain items you can farm from them on death. Maybe have them protect loot caches based on their type/class. 

Also, the nanny ability with this idea could work too.

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I toyed with the nanny idea myself truthfully, but with the maewing and now the giga to raptor I just felt that niche was well filled within the game, and didn’t want to steal anyone’s thunder, though I’d imagine that would garner the support of the breeding community. Thank you for the suggestion! 

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4 minutes ago, AlanGrant716 said:

I toyed with the nanny idea myself truthfully, but with the maewing and now the giga to raptor I just felt that niche was well filled within the game, and didn’t want to steal anyone’s thunder, though I’d imagine that would garner the support of the breeding community. Thank you for the suggestion! 

I like the nanny idea too. I understand your thoughts though. I think it would be cute to give them hair styles and dress them in armors lol.

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