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PURUSSAURUS the emperor of the seas FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ



Ever wanted to have the ultimate amphibious mount to traverse land and sea, step aside shadow main ,maewing ,and rhinio make way for the emperor of the water PURUSSAURUS the largest crocodylomorph of them all !


Wild: unlike most crocs this apex is found in the ocean swamps and rumors say of a nesting ground in the center of the center but no one has ever found it and lived to tell the tail when hunting it doesn't even wait like kapros and sarcos It gose on the hunt prowling the land grabbing and dragging even gigas to their watery tomb even with rhinios their not safe it will lunge out of the water and grab any flyers and use a death roll on them plus it's not afraid of even raiding near by tribes and consuming all of their tames but will leave a gory aftermath in the prossesย 

Domesticated: I have not seen anyone with one of these titans until a few days ago I encountered someone ridding one in some sort of Aztecan style saddle from his words he states that in order to have one of these titans on your side he had to steelย  an egg but it wasn't easy because unlike rock drakes the parents are straight up stating by the eggs even with an oviraptor it immediately lunges at anyone to close to it's nest but in order to bypass this he had to sacrifice his giga and charchar to distract the parent but to his surprise the rest of them also charged and hunted his tames but he managed to escape with the egg after a few days it hatched and then with his maewing raised it but once it was almost ready it ate the maewing witch made it even stronger. plus with the saddle made from obsidian, black pearls and element ore riders can now be able to traverse water and land plus it can some how climb despite it's looks and it can even take a great fall like a champ but climbs very slow witch guarantees it a spot in any tribes stables but if it is losing 9 or 5% of it's health it becomes angry but WORSE it some how it blast out boiling jets of water at everything in it's path from the enemy to it's own tribe so be careful when you are trying to tame the EMPOROR OF THE ARKS!ย 


you must steal an egg but the parents are on top of the nest instead of around so you must sacrifice a tame to distract it and take the egg after hatching it you will need to fully imprint it to prevent it from turning on you when it rages and to give it more better stats use a maewing because it will consume the maewing before it grows up so always use an imprinted and mutated oneย 



brothers, once one of these titans is on your side much like the stegosaurus it's osteodermsย have the power to flex and move with the first one being

tank where three spines appearย on eachย side that reduces damage and an increaseย depending on how much "FURY" it gainsย 

Brawler when in this mode it's back hardens and allowsย this beast to gain a 20% boost to it's attack speed and damageย 

Killer last Brothers it's back becomes almost draconic with large spikes appearingย and if it loses 35% of it's health it will unleash "FURY"

To deliver Mercilessย justice to the enemyย 



Now Brothers the moment you have bein waiting fore how can we ride this beast forged by the emperor him self into battle some will just bare back it with out a sadle since it has a natural defense similar to the shadow main (Heresy) but where the real fun begins is where my Brothers have found out away to attachย heavy flamers to this custom saddle to purge the enemy in holy fire but it will run out so caution is necessaryย Brothers when usingย this power. one other power It possessesย is the legendary death roll but to punish hereticsย more eficently my fellow Brothers have placed saw like blades to brutealy unleash justice to the enemyย and assistsย in climbing witch allows us to hunt down our enemy'sย no matter what mountainย or crevis they hideย 

flamethrower GIF




Brothers now what moves dose this beast have manyย 

when usingย the x key brothers it will use it's mighty tail to smack hereticsย and stun them for 5 seconds plus with the tail hammer attachmentย the damage is higher and the stun last longer to craft the hammer attachment ( destruction's Victory)ย you will need 100 ingots and black pearls.

Smash Slow Motion GIF by Xbox


usingย the right click brothers you will be able to grab hereticsย and them use left click you can slam them into the ground where they belong ant even use the enemy as a weaponย !!!!! and to forge the jaw attachmentย  (Maw of Justice) you will need 50 inggots and 10 elementย 


left click brother is a large bite that causes the enemy to blead and if enough damage is done you can take chunks of flesh of the enemy to heal your brothers and assertย dominance!!!


last brothers is it's signatureย move where it needs momentum then with a quick left click you will do a death roll that latchesย on to the enemy and drills into them with the chainsaw claws to purge the enemy to forge the claw attachmentย (Bane of the Heretic) you will need 50 osteoderms and 150 inggotsย 


bonus!!! when in water and a target is above right click and it will jump out of the water and grabs the target and if it's drag weightย is less than the purua it will be able to consume it alive and quickly heal it to full health and can even do this on land to grab flyers like wyverns, astrodelphis and desmodus to even rhinios!

alligator attacking GIF

left control is a roar and o can blast enemy'sย with jets of high pressuredย waterย 

water jet GIF by General Electric

but if you are unorderlyย grabed Brother you must use a cluster bomb or grenadeย to escape it's grab and it will damage the enemyย 





Fury is it's special ability where unlike the giga where it receivesย an amount of damage it gose rogueย it will still through off the righter but will not attack it's rider but every thing else will receive no mercy untilย it calmsย down but if proper care or full imprinted it unleashes Fury to the enemy and never attacks it's own brothers and boosts it's attack and speed plus it will become immuneย to the call of enemy yutyranus but will insteadย boost it's speed causingย a adrenalin rush.


sadly if it perishes it will not be in vain it will drop it's osteoderms and can be forged into armor that brings honor to the emperor and will give 30% armor to the one who wears the armor.


ย so I thank you Brothers and we will need all the help we can get to aid this crusadeย 

to join our crusadeย is to be immortalย - a brother


but whyย 

the reason is since we only have two crocodylomorphs and not that many dinos that are used for land transportation since everyone just flies but it is not a rock drake clone that glides plus land travel isn't that bad since again not many use land mounts to scout and explore so with this crocodylomorph it might be more common to see survivors traveling on land instead of flying everywhere.

more information will be out soon and spread the wordย 



( just a joke don't take this meme seriously)


Edited by theacro
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2 hours ago, Gamenighter999 said:

Theย Spino's Great rival/ The River King


Credit is to the ark survival evolved team/ wildcard studios/ some documentaries for the images


Species:Purussaurus Brasiliensis




Diet: Carnivore mainly prefers mammals


Tamable: yes



The purussaurus brasiliensis is no doubt the biggest Caiman to ever exist and far exceeding the size of the Deinosuchus and Sarcosuchus hosting the strongest bite force on ark. This creature is so big it can quite literally drown any creature on par or smaller than a trike's size. And has one of the most deadly sets of chompers this ark has seen. But do to its size the creature prefers to push itself across the seafloor at alarmingly speed and is extremely agile.


Wild Behaviorย 

The Purussaurus is known as a stealth predator but unlike a normal sarco this massive reptile prefers on feeding on bigger prey and has developed a behavior that compensates for its massive size, Burying in the sand allowing it to not be bothered bye swifter creatures lurking to interrupt it's basking habits. Purussaurus is usually seen basking near large bodies of water but don't be mistaken by this seemingly passive behavior because this creature is extremely territorial instantly sensing anything that is seeking safe passage through it's claimed territory will quickly fall victim to 1 of 3 things, none being better than the rest.ย 


1. Insinuating you as a threat to its territory it will charge up a bite that is strong enough to critically slow its trespasser allowing the croc to put them to a swift end to the creature.


2. Latching on to the trespassing mammal with its massive jaws inflicting bleed and 5 percent of max health every failed attempt to struggle free.ย 


3. If the creature is smaller than a stego the Purussaurus will be able to drag the creature underneath the water depleting 15 percent oxygen every 3 seconds essentially drowning its prey..


Taming technique

When the massive Caiman is basking you will have to approach it with great caution wearing a full suit of Ghillie armor. Similar to a Carcha you will have to feed it dead creaturesย BUT ONLY MAMMALS.ย This will trigger a mini game like crocodile wrestling allowing you to gain taming effectiveness. This can only happen during the day though because at night their mouths are completely shut unless they are planning to make you there next meal.


Tamed behaviorย 

When tamed the Purussaurus will allow you to diverse the ark waters like never before allowing you to safely explore the seabeds like never before with great speed. Still boasting vital fire power and an essential but slower swimming alternative faster than Spinos but slower than a Sarco's swimming speeds. Also being able to compete or even surpass arks biggest damage dealers.






Enhanced Pallesthesia- this creature will have the ability to sense any and all vibrations in water.

Bone Break/Shallow sand buryingย - These massive reptiles will be able to hide in shallow water nearly completely burying themselves in the sand so when someone is foolish enough to go for a drink of water the Purussaurus will deliver a severe bite nearly completely crippling it's preys ability to move sealing it's victims fate.

Streamline- essentially allowing the creature to become more powerful after hitting water similar to a Spino.

Baskingย - The Purussaurus will heal and regain stamina faster but comes at the consequence of being more susceptible to incoming damage while doing this.(Also a survivor brave enough to take advantage of the unsuspecting crocย ๐Ÿ˜‰)This ability is also essential to the taming process.

Charged Bite- Allows for the creature to charge up a bite variation in damage the longer the attack is held

Death roll with Variations!!- 1ย Latching on to larger Dinosaursย with its massive jaws inflicting bleed and 5 percent of max health every failed attempt to struggle free.ย ggeM85Pwzc-OCeSJeRGunaCAXffBatVSpkZqh5vzZQsk_OwdLQT2te7PXLf6hv6OWG_exuldm5Kj3rvgGLKEuNigOJIpF77VbEVIoMoVXdbxThU0MK5iwrzrRUmrVslM1AHb6-9E1UPeYvlG-eNPOts

2ย If the creature is smaller than a stegoย the Purussaurus will be able to drag the creature underneath the water depleting 15 percent oxygen every 3 seconds essentially drowning its prey..


Hippo Walk toggle- (Unlike the Sarcosuchus only being able to swim fast in open water the much larger Purussaurus takes a much different approach.) When tamed this massive reptile can swim quite deep allowing you to toggle theย Hippo Walk ability, This ability allows you to use less stamina why adventuring the centers oceans but also allowing you to essentially move faster in water by running across the variety of The Center's waterbeds.

Predator of the night- The Purussaurus Brasiliensis possesses the ability to have increased movement in the night due to many now a day Caiman showing this behavior having near perfect night vision.ย 


Lunge- This creature uses its muscular build to quite literally launch out the water allowing it to catch low flying prey or unsuspecting mammals seeking water.





Killer- Can come with serrated teeth allowing strong gnash ability and is more equipped to run faster in short instances on land in order to catch up with prey

Tanky- Can come more tanky allowing them to have reduced damage taken and enhanced damage dealing based on how long the creature is basking.


Brawler- This variation seems to get a thrill from it's life being at risk, allowing it to go into some type of a frenzy that allows it to have a 20% boost in stats (not including health stat of course ) after getting below 35% health until it's health is recovered to 55% or greater. Also appears with a bulkier head than the normal Purussaurus.


Size variation- Each Purussaurus will have slight size variations, a bigger Purussaurus will have a greater Health and weight and damage. Smaller Purussaurus will be faster and have more stamina on land. If the Purussaurus is in a large enough body of water it will grow to the size of a Mosasaurus.




Loot- Drops a rare organic substance called leviathan hide. Drops loot similar to a Giga or Mosa. Also once tamed passively sheds its scales.


Leviathan hide

This hide can be equipped in the costume slot providing armor similar to shadowmanes natural armor. This rare hide will be able to be equipped to your survivor's armor like a glider suit. Once quipped to the armor it will allow the survivor wearing it to have immunity to the elements and actually giving the survivor a 5 percent damage and regen buff in hotter biomes. To balance this out the Leviathan Hide will slowly deteriorate over time when in use similar to how scuba, hazard, and Miner hats do. The Purrassarus scales can be used as a slower way to obtain leviathan hide once tamed.



PS# The variations should be based on what water they are found in. May vary if it is a river, pond, ocean,swamp ectโ€ฆ



ย "Vote for the Purussaurus my gator fam."ย 



Copyright MCU

If you have any suggestions please feel welcome to post them in the comment section and with your help we can get the world's biggest Caiman ready to find itsย place on the new and improved Ark Survival Ascended

Now this concept is actually a cool original idea. Nice job!

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11 hours ago, theacro said:

Ever wanted to have the ultimate amphibious mount to traverse land and sea, step aside shadow main ,maewing ,and rhinio make way for the emperor of the water PURUSSAURUS the largest crocodylomorph of them all !Purussaurus.webp.f05967665dd4a573e313938323f2956e.webp

Wild: unlike most crocs this apex is found in the ocean swamps and rumors say of a nesting ground in the center of the center but no one has ever found it and lived to tell the tail when hunting it doesn't even wait like kapros and sarcos It gose on the hunt prowling the land grabbing and dragging even gigas to their watery tomb even with rhinios their not safe it will lunge out of the water and grab any flyers and use a death roll on them plus it's not afraid of even raiding near by tribes and consuming all of their tames but will leave a gory aftermath in the prossesย 

Domesticated: I have not seen anyone with one of these titans until a few days ago I encountered someone ridding one in some sort of Aztecan style saddle from his words he states that in order to have one of these titans on your side he had to steelย  an egg but it wasn't easy because unlike rock drakes the parents are straight up stating by the eggs even with an oviraptor it immediately lunges at anyone to close to it's nest but in order to bypass this he had to sacrifice his giga and charchar to distract the parent but to his surprise the rest of them also charged and hunted his tames but he managed to escape with the egg after a few days it hatched and then with his maewing raised it but once it was almost ready it ate the maewing witch made it even stronger. plus with the saddle made from obsidian, black pearls and element ore riders can now be able to traverse water and land plus it can some how climb despite it's looks and it can even take a great fall like a champ but climbs very slow witcth guarantes it a spot in any tribes stables but if it is loseing 9 or 5% of it's health it becomes angry but WORSE it some how it blast out boiling jets of water at everything in it's path from the enemy to it's own tribe so be careful when you are trying to tame the EMPOROR OF THE ARKS!ย 

more information will be out soon and spread the wordย 




Edited by Gamenighter999
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