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ASA Survivor TLC



Will we get player injury TLCs for ASA? Like breaking limbs properly like in combat, losing limbs all together or get scares from combat rather than just hitting 30 hp and slowing down. Will we be able to see frostbite set in on the character if your in an extremely cold environment for too long without the right gear or third degree burns and burn scares from fire if your hit by a fire wyvern, magmasaur or flamethrower? Since you are giving supply crates TLCs why not the playable characters too. I would love to see even tames on your side could even hurt you just enough to give you an injury. Like if you're riding an Equus and it gets hurt and you dismount to check it, and it bites or kicks you because it blames you for the injury. It could knock the wind out of you or break your ribs giving you a debuff or decreases you O2 for a short period of time. Or the same with a Megalania biting you, but instead of MEGA-RABIES, you get a bacterial infection that decreases your max health by 50% for a period of time.

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