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You have to expose yourself to the sickness to get the cure


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Swamp fever, I'm logging until this has a fix. A dude flew near me on his argent while I was on a ptera and now I'm infected. To top it off, farming the blood for the cure exposes your dino to the disease should it get bitten by an infected leech. So after curing myself with an antidote I became infected with the sickness again via my mount. To be fair I suspected this would happen, but wanted to test if previously having the illness would grant some temporary immunity. No such luck.

Leech blood really shouldn't be the cure for this, perhaps an ingredient to something else, but not the cure. The logic is cyclical, and with how little blood you get from leeches, it feels very much like a troll addition to the game. I feel the worst for new players, 20% stat loss to a low level is crippling when you're already contending with dilos, compies, bugs, sarcos, snakes, and every other thing that wants to make you its ♥♥♥♥♥.

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