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If there isn't an option to make babies wonder when born, there should be



I tried to breed mosas for the first time since they made the change regarding the babies wandering. What happened, was that the babies would just spawn INSIDE of the mother, and would stay there, so that I had to move the mother to see the baby. It use to be that, the baby would be born, and then start swimming around within the water pen that I have, and I wouldn't have  to move the mother. And, every subsequent baby born, is born inside of the previous baby, becuase they don't wander, they occupy the same space. So not only do you have to move the mother to see the babies, but the babies literally overlap with each other when they're born, so it's hard to view individual babies. It use to be that, it was pretty easy to just wall off the area where your mosas are breeding with behemoth gates, in relatively shallow water, and then you'll have them swimming around and you can fairly easily check each one for mutations, you don't have to move the parents, and you don't have to sift through babies that are literally occupying the same space. 

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