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Assault Rifle and Fab Pistol TLC



The Ark assault rifle is underpowered! so heres some ideas!

Damage: The damage of the AR is low so up it a small bit. But when you continue to Shoot a Target it ill deal extra damage (I dub it the "Swiss Cheese" effect) you will Deal 3 extra damage on a Target when you conturne to shot them (say the base damage is 45, when you keep shooting it can do 48, 53, 57, 61 per shot)

Fire types: the AR is now a Multi Uses Gun, if you Press (X) (idk what thats equal for PC and PS) You can Change you're fire type: 

  • Simi: this just shoots a single shoot and does more damage becauses it puts more gas behind it. (idk) its not as good as a Sniper but it does more damage!. (100 damage)
  • Burst: This fires 3 Bullets at once with a Very Fast (BRR) it does less damage as the Simi but can be uses to save ammo without burning through it!, and its has Little Recoil.
  • Auto: auto is Auto! it deals Extra damage the more hits you do! when you continue to fire on a target

Attachments: you can put a Scope on it to turn it into a Mix weapon, IE a Battle rifle!

Ammo: unlike other guns, this can have 2 different ammo types!

  • Advance Rifle rounds: theses deal more damage then the other bullets and they give you more range, more damage. just better! but on modes like pvp AR bullets are like gold you most people save them for turrets!
    (holds 40 rounds, Normal fire speed, Better damage and range)
  • Advance Pistol rounds: Thanks you its Mag size, it can not only Hold 2 times more of theses bullets, but sense they are lighter they fire out of the gun 2xs Faster! but they deal less damage in all 3 modes, and have less range! but are MUCH CHEAPER TO MAKE! and do not uses but AR bullets! Basically turns it into a SMG
    (Holds 80 rounds, fires faster, Deals less damage and has less range) 

Fab Pistol: out of most guns this one is underrated, but it could be better! 
Fire types: this gun has two roles, A Fast Lightweight Combat pistols, and a Heavy Magnum. so you have two modes

  • Auto: This turns the Pistol into the one we all know, full auto but now it has a few changes, it is much faster and has much less Recoil. it has the same ammo but it makes it fire faster! 
  • Magnum mode: Under the Barrel of the pistol is a Deployable grip that changes the pistol into a Mangum style pistol! it puts much more gas behind the bullet making it able to go through armor and DEAL much more damage! it has the same ammo as the normal one but has alot of recoil and sounds much Louder! and it deals much more damage!  


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