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TEK Cloning Chambers using Implant for Imprinting.

JetSetz aka cryptonite89


TEK Cloning Chambers and Implant for Imprinting.

As far as I know and have searched around... The cloning chamber will give a perfect clone of the original in every way regarding stats and colouration, however it will lose the imprinting.
This limits its usage to a much smaller purpose.

We can't use it to clone unbreedable dinos such as Wyverns for example, with imprinting (this is essential).
Let's say we got lucky and hatched a very nice stat Wyvern and we'd like to clone it to have a strong imprinted line... 
That's not possible, even though the cost of cloning it will be ridiculously high too.
Specially since it has no saddle; imprinting is crucial to dinos like the Wyvern.
And i'd gladly pay the resource cost of cloning one to have that extra 2000~4000 health for example, even though it seems like not much, it's still an upgrade that could mean the difference between life/death in combat.

And just tossing this one out there for the sake of balancing:

Maybe have it so that we can insert the IMPLANT of the imprinter into the Cloning Chamber, to then allow it to clone with imprint. 
I feel this will be a nice touch since implants have no real value at the moment, and also gives a purpose for players to keep the implants of their enemies for such usage.
Although it seems like a similar effect of taking a tribe's dino line (non-spayed/neutered), it's not the same. We can't have them mate with dozens of dinos at once (to cheaply mass produce) and it comes at a ridiculously high element shard cost that, realistically; only things like megatribes could accomplish. And if that's the case, it's probably easier for them to just wipe their foes and take the breeding line instead.

I feel like this will reduce the amount of suicide tactics into a base (or scouting naked) for fear of losing their implant, death will have a solid meaning to well established tribes.
And maybe alpha-tribes will instead cooperate with nooby players to do such a task for them, instead of killing noobs on sight, griefing or just generally being a toxic tyrant on the server.

If I want to make use of a sterilized dino of someone else's line; I feel like the cloning chamber + killing said opponent, is a worthy thing.

Then again, nothing I have said is set in stone, i'm just brainstorming ideas. Feel free to add or say something. ?

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