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Please fix the following bugs


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On 5/10/2020 at 8:35 PM, alex9er said:

Please fix the following bugs

1:Dinos dissapearing when taming(dino pens/traps)
2:not many dinos spawning in bog/lunar/lava/artic

3:Ocean filled with so many anglerfish that destroys your fps

1. Common issue that could be different depending on the type of dino you are taming.  Horses in particular will despawn if trapped long enough and don't calm.  Could be that it clipped through the mesh, or could be any number of other issues. 


2. There's plenty of dinos spawning on official in all biomes, so unless this is straight up singleplayer, you may just need to keep checking back.


3. If you are getting that significant of a drop in fps from the Anglerfish something has got to be wrong with either your drivers or your card, I run a gtx 1060 with 16gb ddr memory and don't lag at all while in the ocean near em.


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