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Best place to find server mates


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Best place to find server mates

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'm  wondering where the best place is to find and invite like-minded people to play on my personal server :)

I used to play with just friends, but none of them are really ark-nuts like I am, and never commit beyond the first chunk of the game. It would be nice to find some people who are more active to fill my slot count since I pay for it (I wouldn't ever charge to play on a server I run).
The only issue is, I cannot admin full time, and if other people were to join I would be placing a lot of trust in them because of the open way we play. Because of this, I  was wondering if there is already any communities I could ask around in that would be interested in access to a server like mine and aren't just going to grief, steal and waste time.

For anyone curious, the server is a single player orientated boosted PVE but with a one tribe rule to allow certain functionalities for the  sake of breeding. 

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