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Hello! We have a running dedicated pvp rp server! It's great. We have 15 -20 people already in the community. We are very helpful to new joins. We have a new town under construction, and would like for you to be a part of it. Your also welcome to start your own.We need some more adult players. LGL1TCH3N is my gamertag. Please message for details. No applications! Just a little character information. 6x speeds. We want to concentrate on character building.  Please contact LGL1TCH3N! Hope we see you soon!


Take the idea of lost. We are trying to figure out who and why we were placed here. Everyone is oblivious to their previous lives. Primitive living. We welcome friends and villans.  

Rules are the same as twitch rp 

  1. Be respectful to others on the server -- personal insults, or verbal attacks outside of RP is strictly prohibited! 
  2. Please consider that others on the server are probably streaming, this includes NO stream sniping/stalking or metagaming 
  3. Do NOT broadcast music to the server using the internal VOIP unless agreed upon by all present parties 
  4. If you have a problem with someone else, handle it off the server instead of having an open argument in sidechat 
  5. RP that violates the Twitch ToS and RoC is strictly prohibited
  6. Don't glitch any elements of the game or use exploits 
  7. Don't log out in the middle of combat, i.e. combat logging 
  8. Don't kill sleepers immediately after restarts, allow them at the very least 5 minutes to log in before resuming combat 
  9. During an assault on a settlement, compound, or any other form of 'base', you are allowed to make only one new entrance. You are allowed to destroy only so much that is needed to plunder. You are not allowed to destroy the entire 'base', or cause massive destruction to it. 
  10. Identifying players or player-owned creatures through use of their name plate is considered insufficient RP and is prohibited. 
  11. You are permitted to kill another player's creatures only under the permittance of RP where the owner's actively included in the action, or in self-defence. You are never to kill another player's creatures for other reasons, especially if they're in a base or otherwise private or protected area and set to passive. 
  12. Declaring war with other tribes is allowed as long as it is clear who the involved parties are. You are not allowed to forcefully drag bystanders into your conflict. Those who were not included in the RP which set the premise for the war are considered bystanders. 
  13. Please do not act on information obtained through any means other than direct RP, this includes automated notifications such as death messages 
  14. New Life Rule: upon death, you are not allowed to visit the area containing your body for the next 10 minutes -- there must be NO doubt here from other players, we recommend you stay away 15-20 minutes to be safe. Any loot you may have dropped is now forfeited, up for grabs by anyone, do not go back for it. Your home, however, stays in your possession. If you die in the vicinity of your home, respawn at the beach. You have no memory of your killer, or any event leading up to your death.
    Your life begins anew. 
  15. Last but not least, it is sad that we must add this to the rules, but it seems circumstances require it: any player caught harassing or bullying another player on the server, or outside of the server but in relation to their presence on the server, will be permanently removed and barred from the current and any future whitelists
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