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Fan Dossier: Smok


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Common Name: Smok 

Species: S. piasekanioł

Time Period: Triassic 

Diet: Carnivore 

Temperament: Aggressive 



I'm not quite sure what to make of Smok. Found in the Island's more arid regions where it constantly rivals the dominant Allosaurus, this... creature toes the line between being a blessing and a curse when found in the desolate wilds. On one hand, Smok are incredibly dangerous to engage in combat as their terrible bites damage both survivors and their things! Weapons and tools carried on your person aren't beyond the powerful teeth of this dreadful carnivore. And when confronted by creatures their own size or smaller, Smok tends to cause something of a panic attack. Survivors might find their mounts hesitant to attack and the more skittish sort may even turn tail and flee, regardless of their rider's orders. Not to mention Smok's resilient hide. Combined, these elements make this beast thoroughly feared in the sandy seas to the point where many of the nomadic tribes tame several packs of the famous Allosaurus to keep it at bay. 

Known Information:

 On the other hand, due to the region's general lack of water, a wandering Smok in the crags and canyons can potentially be life-saving. Perhaps even essential for those wishing to remain in the deserts long-term. You see, Smok salivate heavily and, thought somewhat disgusting, this saliva can be used as a suitable replacement for water. Indeed, a few survivors I've met have even expressed a liking to their mounts' secretions. I've since broken ties with said survivors. 


However, for all their ferocity and the tactical advantages they bring, those that tame Smok quickly find that their newest pet... isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. While most creatures can be trained to follow a set of commands via different pitches of whistles, Smok can hardly tell one from the other. The most this poor, dumb creature can understand is 'Stay' and 'Follow' which has caused a great many o' headache for their owners.  


Desert-Croc-Dino-thing is bae. Wish I could do it more justice, but I'm kinda in a rush now. Might come back and add more. 

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