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I was wondering if there was a way to stack stone behemoth gates on top of each other. I wanted to create a tall base that you can leave from any floor of without going to the bottom floor. I've seen it in some videos, but I'm not sure if they were using mods. As I'm on the PlayStation 4, I can't mod my game to make life easier. Does anyone know how to do it? A video demonstrating it would be great. Thanks for the help.

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Build foundation 7 wide, then 12 walls high on one of the foundations, plus 1 ceiling on top of the the wall. Line up a behemoth gateway and it should fit in between the foundation and the ceiling. When that's done, extend the ceiling 7 wide so you can build the 2nd gateway on top of the ceiling, and repeat. Then if you don't want any walls, you can just remove them after without everything collapsing as the foundation *should* float the ceiling.

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