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Not a modder, but I have an idea for a Mod.....


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Basically, If I had the knowledge and could do it, I would like to see a mod that creates a horizontal track system that can be placed down (kind of like fence foundation) (straights, intersections, left turns, right turns, etc) that would allow for the placement of a mine cart (basically a horizontal elevator) that a player could load items into, and send to another part of their base.

This would be a quality of life mod that basically allows players to send a container with high weight deep into a base where they normally would either have to lug themselves, or have gates big enough to allow medium dinos to be used.


Can anyone help me realize this vision?

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I think despite the fact that it might be a little frustrating to build [not because of your mod idea, but more because of the nature of building on ark and uneven terrain across the majority of the maps] it would be an extraordinarily useful mod! Plus it would be cute and it could serve a dual purpose as decoration in a mining-themed base! Really neat! I hope someone picks this idea up and makes it a reality :)

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