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Question about rests after updates


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After every major update and some minor updates my game options get reset to default. So the question I have is what else gets reset. The reason why I am asking this is because this weekend our alpha tribe whom we are allied with and have a base next to got insided. after which they came to our base and started some demo and basically killed 90 percent of our dinos before luckily one of our tribe mates logged on and killed the alliance. But it seemed all our bullets in our auto turrets were gone. We had them set to about 80 percent players and 20 percent tamed dinos. There were pin codes set on the turrets. with it set like that there is no way 4 or 5 players could have drained all our bullets after the alliance was broke and with a tribe mate online and also called in another tribe mate. So after updates and do more than game options get reset? Do pin codes get reset also? Do tribe ranking on items get rest?

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PINs can be figured out. there is a delay of 5-10 seconds between tries. Given enough time someone that is determined could open the turrets. After all there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of it working the first time. Chances of someone doing that... well, there are some people that have that much time and are OCD enough to do it.

Another thing, why did they come after you, their alliance after someone in THEIR tribe stole stuff? Seems strange to blame your allies and then not even bother to even talk to you.

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It was not the allied tribe that came after us but the person that insided the allied tribe. Sorry I was not clear on that. The person in question is very unstable it seems. he was in the allied tribe and got kicked. he had someone in the tribe re-invite him when leader was offline. it seems he had some friends still in alpha tribe and people just wanting to try to become alpha. Probably attacked us because they gave us a Tapejara that he had raised. He was also in general chat flaming alpha and all allies. I guess too he wanted to make sure we could not help him get back on his feet. The were also attacking another allied tribe when they were caught. didn't do too much damage to them though.

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