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Tribe wiped by Dodo Rex


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Seriously? My tribe spent 6+ months finishing a full metal base that was taken out in 15 mins by a Dodo Rex "controlled" by an enemy tribe while we were offline. Was this the intended use? Give alpha tribes even more power to hold smaller tribes down by the throat? How is this balanced? Honestly, did the devs think about this before implementing it? Things take long enough already to gather, let alone being attacked by a "special dino" that can destroy metal.

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8 minutes ago, Kajibits said:

We like PvP though. I think this just gave larger tribes with more members an unfair advantage over smaller tribes.

I completely agree the dodorex is stupidly OP. On our server, as the alpha tribe, we wiped out a tribe with a metal base and we didn't even need to use the full 20 minutes. It sat there for 7 minutes doing nothing while we were loading up our carry birds. Popped vaults like they were made out of wood and was the most boring and unskilled raid we have ever completed.

I feel that time to demolish should be equal to time to build however this is not the case with the DR

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I've been playing since the first day on pc and the dodorex came and demolished everything me and my tribe had built. And we had been raided by the big tribes multiple times. And we rebuilt every time .The dodorex came through in about 6 minutes with a giga and a quetz and it looked like we never existed. I quit pc that second

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52 minutes ago, Leonhardt said:

Except when you lose, apparently.

Don't really consider special event dinos to be PVP, really.  Someone or some group takes me out with with stuff that's part of the normal game and which has countermeasures to one degree or another, fine.  A special event super dino that has no counters isn't interesting, its just boring.  Especially when its a clear joke creature.

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