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  2. Hello! This is probably going to be a low priority suggestion and will probably be passed over but I'll make it anyway. I run a monthly maze on my server. Levels upon levels of twists and turns It's great fun for all! I use the treasure chests from Bob's Tall Tales to hide loot inside for players to find. Unfortunately, there's no visual way to show that they've already been looted. Could you make it so that it shows opened when empty? Thank you very much!
  3. There are giant rat holes in all the pride rock like spike assets on scorch earth. At the top of every one there is a crack that you can fall into and there’s about a 20x20 foundation space in each one. They are massive. It would be nearly impossible to get someone out of those if built in. Only way in is to grapple in and out or have a tp. Every single one of that asset has it.
  4. Buena la verdad quisiera saber porque no puedo trasferir dinos ni objetos desde la isla hacia scorch pero si puedo llevar dino y objetos desde scoch hacia islan alguien me podría decir por favor
  5. The first server of A1 Gaming servers is up and running! Be sure to come check out the fun and hope you have a awesome time ! There will be more servers on different maps soon! A1 Gaming ARK Ascended Server Server IP Address: Discord - https://discord.gg/cFXZpJqtpR
  6. I've checked the DevKit, Basilisk is SUPPOSED to have a damage overlay, but it does not show up for some reason. Maybe they changed the Basilisk's material, but they forgot to add the damage overlay back. Now, we don't know the difference between a Basilisk at full HP and one at 1 HP. Hell, they even remembered to add a damage overlay to the Ice Wyvern when they remodeled it on full release (Before v267.0, Ice Wyvern looked like a lighter-colored Lightning Wyvern and didn't have a damage overlay). Also, they should make it so that the Alpha Basilisk shows its Alpha FX above the ground, like Alpha Deathworm.
  7. yoki01

    Snake love(tlc)

    Yeah that too but tbh finding an alpha was the worst because it had no visual difference if its in the ground and theres just 1 on the map and they could spawn on almost the entire map maybe they could change that too and give alpha reaper black pearl drops because other than trilobites and picking them on the floor at the purple sea near drake egg spawn theres no way to collect them on aberration but maybe theres the need to make a suggestion about aberration problems but i already said enough someone else can say the things that must be said
  8. I've actually added this MOTD to my server, as a result of our discussion: "Kill a survivor >lvl 49 to earn his XP. Upload a video of exiting menu and tribe log to discord. Devangelic will add the XP of the killed survivor if the log says your character killed him. Welcome to Harder than hardcore, officially harder than official, where survival skills matter!"
  9. Yesterday
  10. Also, have you noticed that Basilisks don't have a damage overlay (blood effect)? That makes is damn near impossible to tell how injured it is, because it could be at 1 HP, but it still looks like it has full HP because it has no wounds on it! Unacceptable for (especially) Alphas, as unless they have a visible HP bar (like bosses), how can you tell that it's almost dead? They USED to have a damage overlay, but it got removed for some reason.
  11. Uhm im very sure i have done a post about this already but it gone poof but ok nvmd So what i would find pretty cool would be an rework on the titanoboa as well as an update on the basilisk lets start with the titanoboa So we all have a love/hate relationship to this danger noodle but what if we completely rework it and make it a fun dino i know it would be difficult because its a cave creature rn and stuff but we already got enough cave creatures so here i would suggest to make it a bit bigger then the Arthropleura so it can be rideable and can have a saddle next i would give it a slight visual redesign For the abilitys i suggest giving it a choking abilty because thats what huge snakes do as a second attack where it could latch on dinos up to allo height and choke it slowly in order to suffocate them on cost of its own stamina also since they already lay eggs i see no issue in them being able to reproduce I would also change the taming method into that you would need to punch it down to a certain % of hp and then let it choke your dino the bigger the dino and the more hp it has the better with the best one being an allo any other dino in the same drag weight i also would increase its hp and atk just slightly with the secondary having a base of 20 I would also remove theyre cave spawns exept for caves that are big enough For the basilisk well i just would make them reproducable maybe tweak theyre dmg and hp a litlle but thats all and increase the alpha spawn rate because i know it will be a problem when abe comes out I know i got a lot of ideas to share but come on we got a lot of creatures we cant do anything with right now and i think its a shame that it is how it is
  12. I never used the platform saddle on it, I just found it too slow with a regular saddle to be an enjoyable mount. Would make more sense if it only slowed down if you placed a house on it or other heavy objects.
  13. I made it fly faster if it DOES NOT have a platform saddle. Imagine you are a large flying dino and you had to carry a literal house on your back. You wouldn't be able to fly fast at all!
  14. Just make it fly faster, it’s a Sky Turtle.
  15. Also, Sabers should deal 20% more damage to Mammoths while Mammoths deal 15% less damage to Sabers because of their well-known rivalry.
  16. Idk about that one if anything they should be buffed to be on a kinda level like the megalodon but weaker maybe even move them a drag weight class up if it must be bc right now theyre a little weak but youre right about sabers tho they need a litlle dmg up Also carnos got saddles and bleed dmg on theyre second atk wolfs aint having any of these
  17. You got a good idea there but i dont think a quetz was ever supposed to be a fighter dino i think its more like a carrier dino so i might give it more hp stam and weight also weight reduction on some things and make them a bit more fast when it comes to flying
  18. If anything, Direwolves need a nerf. 330 HP and 33 damage is way too high for their size class; a Saber is about the same size and only has 250 HP and deals 29 damage! Direwolves are pretty much on the same level as Carnos rather than Sabers. I think that Direwolves should have their base HP reduced to 275 and damage reduced to 28. Sabers should have their base damage increased to 35, because of their, well, large teeth. Sabers should be able to have a 50/50 chance against the Direwolf, rather than almost always losing. Also, Direwolves already got a TLC back in 2018. That is what gave them their sniffing ability.
  19. So we all know and love our wolves but dont they kinda seem a little off? For me personally they do i never understood why they dont have any armor/saddle or why they chose the ability to sniff for explorer notes My first suggestion is to give them either a saddle or if thats unfit give them some kind of craftable armor like the player has that goes from hide to swat it would greatly improve theyre potential as cave runners and make them much more popular and viable also they live a little longer and not die almost instantly and i know they got a pack buff and a howl but just remember how strong the megalodon is in comparison For the ability i would rework it into sniffing out specific dinos because when if i think of canines i think of theyre abilitys to track down people or other animals and if you would be able to sniff for certain creatures or other players it would make them much more interesting when it comes down to taming things or even pvp To go further into the sniffing out creatures i would do it like this you must have 1 creature of what you look for tamed near your wolf and could then sniff it and you would then see every wild dino of that class in a certain radius For the pvp sniffing its the same but you could toggle between sniffing for wild or tamed creatures or enemy players and if you sniff for tamed dinos or enemy players you would not need to sniff the certain player or dino you could activate a turret mode like the Parasaur but with the advantage that the enemy would not be notified that they got detected Also i would raise the base attack damage from 33 to 35 and increase theyre base weight from 170 to 220 because its a huge strong wolf and in my eyes it just makes sense Thank you for your time reading all this and im open for feedback and i hope this reaches the right people
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