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Early Birds
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Status Updates posted by Foxisdaily

  1. I figured out my password 

  2. Are you good at ark? How long have you played ark?

    1. TobyPlayz5


      I have watched people play ARK for about maybe a year and a half now, but I only got ARK last December, because I use console, even though yes, I like to think of myself as somebody who is good at ARK, now the question is... Is my sister any good?

      No... She is crap. I asked her 'Do you want to make an "OP" world on ARK?' She said 'YES!' and she didn't even hesitate, because even she knows how bad she is, I'm pretty sure even my parents know, and the most that my parents know about ARK is when my mother went in store with me to buy the game.

      Now back to your topic: Host Barrier. I wish that Wildcard would remove the Host Barrier (https://www.thepetitionsite.com/en-gb/894/676/520/petition-to-wildcard-studios-to-re-add-the-host-tether-slider./, the above is a link to a petition to re-add the tether slider ;-P) but they said that it could do damage to the console, I personally think it's a bunch of crap so that they don't have people buying ARK and setting the Host Barrier to x10000 and potentially crashing the game, all that would do is crash the game, you could just reload it, but then again, every time that an update is released on console, it costs game devs thousands of dollars just to get the game update approved, so I don't think Studio Wildcard want to pay the money, just to watch people update the game, and then crash the game on their console, they would have to reset all their data, and imagine if somebody did that when they were the host of a major server. That would restart the server and a bunch of people would get really angry. I believe that is why Studio Wildcard won't add the Host Tether Slider back to ARK: Console Edition. Sorry Foxisdaily.

      P.S. Can I call you Fox or Foxis?

    2. Foxisdaily


      Both work and thanks for the info

  3. Hey, could you help me to understand this site?

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