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Early Birds
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Status Updates posted by LukeCarville

  1.  hi ive been a big fan of ark for a long time now and id really like to help by help creating things to test in the dev kit or share my ideas,id just love to be part of the team,i am only 13 almost 14 but im sensible and id work really hard,you could start me off with something small and id work my way up,if you want to talk more which id really like please msg me at my gmail lukeyluke2811@gmail.com



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LukeCarville


      thx ill wait,and try it out on the devkit


    3. infinitejest
    4. NextGearGamer


       could you help me is my first time loosing a survivor he is lvl 85 name Cuban 


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