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Posts posted by Ownz1nR34LT1M3

  1. Imagine having to only play Island and Scorched earth again and starting over under the assumption it will be so much better because its new technology.  ITS THE SAME DEVELOPERS.  How are you going to go from playing with 10 + maps back to only 2 AND restarting knowing full well that they will kill all the servers again when Ark 2 comes out.

    It would have been so much better if you would just continue to refine and fix bugs on the current game than to try and re-release it when you haven't even perfected the current product.  I literally crash every single survival of the fittest game I play on console and you can blame the tech all you want but that is a bold faced excuse to not troubleshoot and solve the problems.

    You guys are completely misreading the information.


    ASE Officials representing the minority of players on ARK

    The reason for this is because YOUR GAME DOESN'T WORK RIGHT.  You cant even staff enough moderators to fix issues and even if you did it still doesn't feel right to have to use admin commands to correct crap glitches.  You guys need some training on User Experience Metrics and stop looking at basic player metrics as if you have a grasp on them.  Official servers were full of life when the game released but over time it created such a negative experience between DDOS attacks and lack of proper admins that people just took matters into their own hands and started unofficial servers just to even be able to play the game, and you want us to pay for a full-priced re-release of the same game after we have already dumped thousands of dollars just running the nitrado servers?  And you want us to give up all that progress and time too? 


    I hope everyone here has enough sense to just not buy this new game.  Wild Card you are not going to get away with this and someone is going to find a way to emulate this game now that you have shown your hand.  I can't wait until they do so I can get my saves from nitrado and host my own servers on a version of the game that some ambitious young talent have made 5x cleaner.


    It is actually hilarious too because you guys claim that you will continue support for ASE for bug fixes and crash fixes only, but apparently that is going to take all of your development resources because here we are as you say 8 years later and the game still doesn't work.

    • Like 1
  2. Quote

     The community’s support continues to be incredibly humbling and inspiring for the team, and that enthusiasm helps drive us toward creating the ultimate survival franchise.

    Whoever thought it was a good idea to preface this announcement with this statement has lost their mind.  Did you all really sit around and decide this was a good idea? If this isn't an April Fool's joke then you are taking the statement "Wild Card fix your game" to a WHOLE NEW level.  Now you are asking us to pay dollars to play a properly optimized version of your game and you are putting all of the quality of life features that have been on your development plan behind a payment? Are you guys really not making any money from the servers people are paying for?  There wasn't even a mention of if current save files are forward compatible and can be ported into the new version of the game.  This is such a huge marketing blunder and meanwhile I was able to try out Diablo 4 just for buying a double down at KFC.  Holy F you guys were one of the Pride and Jewels of Indie Developers and I was hoping you wouldn't turn evil at least until after Ark 2.  You guys need to start thinking of your player base the way you would a logic loop controller.  Each time you have a step where they feel like they have to start over or literally have to start over, they go back to the first step which is "should I play again or not."  You are going to start getting a lot of No answers after this.

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  3. On 1/25/2020 at 10:36 PM, Castlerock said:
    On 1/25/2020 at 2:54 PM, Ownz1nR34LT1M3 said:
    It had a release date in December, and January, and now February.  As to why we don't pack up the day Genesis comes out? I will let you figure out the answer to that because it should be obvious.

    If u are trying to move dinos and buildings to genesis,very high chance its disabled for a few months, so there is no point in packing up early. U could have just kept all your dinos in cryo to reduce base maintenance while waiting.

    I will be turning my server into a Genesis server.  Everything has to come out of that specific server so that whatever is left behind is not lost or made inaccessible.  I hope this clarifies what I was trying to say about the situation.  I am not opening a new server, I am converting a currently operating server.  According to the Wild Card announcements, It was placed under my impression that this closure should be completed before Christmas break, and then later it was announced that January 28th may be a more accurate date.  Come to find out it is not 2 entire months of a server that has been left in limbo.  I know 30$ isn't that much money, but from a finance management perspective that is extremely bad management.  Not to mention, I may be one of possibly thousands of people suffering a similar issue.  Wild Cards actions and failure to manage release dates and accurate announcements may be actually causing players thousands of dollars. 

    That is the argument I was trying to make clear in this discussion.

  4. On 1/24/2020 at 2:30 PM, PertySlick said:

    You packed up your Valguero server in a "rush" to prepare for an unreleased DLC with no concrete release date or even recent information?  And this is Wildcard's problem?  Why wouldn't you wait for the actual release and then pack up for the switch?  That way you can also evaluate all the inevitable bugs with the release and decide if it's worth the risk to move.  And I sympathize with trying to play during a school schedule but no release window is ideal for everybody.

    It had a release date in December, and January, and now February.  As to why we don't pack up the day Genesis comes out? I will let you figure out the answer to that because it should be obvious.

  5. I will be honest here.  I am not going to be "that guy" who says this is for the best and I am fine with waiting for a "more finished product".  It just isn't true, the game will be MORE FINISHED, but probably not as finished as it should be in any case.  That is very sad to say, especially since this is the only "game" I play, and I don't consider what I do in Ark to be a game.  I will wait as I always do, but I am not going to call anyone names, or say I am shocked at such an announcement.  I will say that the game releasing in February now as opposed to the initial target date of December really does plenty of harm to me and my group I play with.  Being a full time student with a high work load, February may be the worst time for the game to come out for me.  Not just that, but my group closed shop on our Valguero server to switch it over to Genesis, and now all of those efforts were done prematurely by 2 or more months.  We "rushed the move" because Genesis was on the way, and now we did all that rushing and spending more time than necessary when it wasn't even a priority at that time.


    I have already experienced the release of one expansion before Christmas time with extinction.  The addition of raptor claus, gacha claus, and the subsequent valentines day event really dumbed down the early progression of Extinction in many ways by granting very easy to obtain breeding lines and blueprints.  I was going to use the Valentines day even on Genesis, because I would be a fool not to take advantage of that opportunity, but I am actually really glad that the event will NOT be occurring on a Genesis map until next year.  That is a very good thing for anyone who plans to play Genesis as a fresh start with no transfers. 

    Last but not least, @Wildcard

    Don't actually answer me here, because I don't want you blasting your companies business to the public.  I only care so far as the question actually being considered properly.  How much time are you guys even devoting to contingency time? Normally with a design, especially with an ambitious one, there would be weeks, months, hell you could even have years of contingency time dedicated to all the things that could go wrong.  If you say a game is done by December, that game should be done and getting tested 6 months or more before then.  You already said too much to the public when you claimed Genesis will be ready late January and closed testing at the beginning of January.  Seriously?! This isn't a shot at your company or business to make you look bad or be negative, but did you really give yourselves 2 weeks to work out the kinks and bugs of a game from closed testing to release?! You need to do some research as a company on proper design phases and planning because that is absolutely absurd.  There are some bugs in the live game that weren't address for years, or still go without being fully dealt with! 2 weeks on a new ambitious map such as Genesis to weed out these potential bugs?!

    ./end rant

    I love this game, I really do and I fear for a world with an Ark that is too perfect.  I am also in fear of your business falling apart if you maintain this current course.  Please change for those of us who believe in this thing you have created.

  6. I will officially post this in the suggestions once you guys update the forum.  Right now my biggest suggestion, or rather my largest concern with my Ark Survival Evolved experience, is something that may or may not be out of your hands but would be a life-saver if you could find a way to make it possible.  I need a way to be able to save and back-up my Ark servers with Nitrado.  There are typically ups and downs with my small group of comrades on the Ark.  We get busy in real life or otherwise are not able to efficiently afford and manage multiple servers in a cluster.  However, when you stop payment on a server, Nitrado gives you a few days before completely deleting your server data.  It would be nice to be able to close shop for a few months, and then re-open where we left off without suffering.  This will most likely become an even bigger issue in the future as the Ark and all our hard work will not be our biggest concern forever, but I will be damned if I were to ever let everything I have worked on to this point be lost.  I personally view the save data within my unofficial dedicated servers as the property of my circle of friends in the same manner I view my single player data.  I consider it a threat to our hard work to be unable to download files and protect, preserve, or possess the data.  I pay quite a large sum of money over time to the server hosting service, however, I do not believe it is fair to say this means Nitrado should be the solo owner of what I have worked on for years.

  7. This, as well as many other reasons, is why I humbly live out my days on a Nitrado hosted ps4 Ark server.  It sucks that we lost the survival side of Pvp, but me and my buddies can still fight each other if we arrange something. 

    As for what some of you are suggesting, and this statement by Wild Card, there should be a much longer process of "Think" before the part where you "Speak"  Asking people to spread the word about how horrible the Ark is will do nothing but reduce the likelihood that you will see this universe known as the Ark expanded.  Private servers, or other similar arrangements, is still a great way to play this game.

    Did you guys ever consider the fact that all of your desires to raid and kill each other with no remorse for how much of someones hard work you are destroying, no efforts to make a world full of peace, and no Code of Honor between you and your enemies would create an Ark as toxic as the wastelands?

    I am not here to insult everyone who is commenting here or Wild Card.  I am a huge fan of this game and would like to see it grow in a good direction.  I just can't sit by and watch as everyone throws the blame on Wild Card but you all seem to forget the golden rule of Pvp servers.  DONT GET TOO ATTACHED TO ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT HAVE IT FOREVER.

    RIP Server 3.  The Law will never die.

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