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Early Birds
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Status Updates posted by enigma9912

  1. I have a question about Ragnarok servers and Legacy servers.

    I understand the reason behind creating new PvP cluster servers due to exploits ,Duping and DDosing. In order to stop these tribes from transferring duped items to the new servers and flooding them and controlling them right off the release on Aug 8th.

    Will there be Specific Servers for Ragnarok that these Legacy servers can transfer to? or will Legacy servers be able to transfer to any PvP ragnarok server?

    I ask this because what would the point of creating fresh Island ,Scorch and Center maps if the servers that have duped items can transfer to all ragnarok servers being its PvP to PvP transferring?

    I feel the new pvp servers being released on the 8th should have their own cluster of servers on ragnarok to transfer to that (legacy servers can not).

    I can see an issue possibly occurring such as, Transferring duped items to the ragnarok server then transferring from ragnarok to one of the new servers being released on the 8th thus getting around the not being able to transfer from Legacy to the new server basically Using Ragnarok as a Transfer beacon to move Duped items around.

    Maybe I missed this in the statement but as of now I didn't see any clarification on this part of transferring

    Thanks and sorry for the long message.


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