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  1. What a great update.


    The centre blocked, my character stats and levels reset, the emotes selection is broken and will not let me out and all of my tames have lost half of their health. I have read how to unlock the centre through console commands however I no longer have the console commands tab anymore. Does anyone know where it went or how to get it back? I focused my time on my centre map and to have all that gone is pushing me to deleting the game and never coming back.

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    2. Codsworth


      @KenziePheonix Thanks a lot for bringing this to our attention, however the command box doesnt seem to acknowledge any commands I give, I don't expect you to find out for me, just bringing that up as well.

    3. itsmecazzer


      admin commands are still accessible press LB+RB, X and Y all at the same time while in the pause menu.

    4. KenziePhoenix


      @Codsworth, I'm not sure what codes ur using but I get mine from an app called "ark wiki". The codes are under entity ids and then just scroll down and it explains how to put them in the command bar. It has a list for everything. There are two different codes depending on what ur wanting. :)

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