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Posts posted by houndazs

  1. 2 hours ago, TheyCallMeGunny said:

    So I've done some testing. A LOT actually, and I have a very good handle on how nearly all settings work (Still iffy on Island Curve).

    I set up a Dedicated Server. I've also streamed the ENTIRE process (though I cut the stream hours ago to DL the ADK.)

    Here's my screenshot (ignore the mosas, been tweaking spawns. Added all SE characters in, working on eggs. Will get around to that tomorrow. In the meantime, here are 2 pieces of info: A- my stream is under the same twitch name as here if you have questions regarding map generation and how the values influence a seed, or to see the current map and how things turned out with a great deal of variety and size. And B- Here's the Game.ini I am using for this map in attachment: (You can ignore the spawners, they need tweaked and the engrams can also be ignored, that's just for solo tribes to be viable while we screw around.)

    Also, on stream is a one-button link (Look for the ARK symbol, it's all below that) to join and test it out yourself.

    If anyone can figure one problem for me, would be great: I CANNOT get the perfect division of rivers/flat land/mountains we have and STILL have oceans. I have to set my landscape radius too high, or else I lose too much of what I love with this type of map. Thus the crazy mosa spawners lol (again, needs fixed.)

    But yeah, I've gotten a  good handle on this, just don't have endless time to answer forum posts and it's easier on the stream, i'm basically always there. Be starting back up in 10 minutes (been at this since release, need a shower before I go back.) If you have questions, I'll answer what I can. 



    Nice Gunny, do you have a screenshot of the map?

  2. 2 hours ago, TheArkVibration said:

    My windows 2012 server  still crashes when I try to join my PG server even with the latest updates. also it does a full startup in under 24.94 seconds which is too fast and stays on "ShooterEntry" map with the default max 70 players instead of 100..

    No problems running SE or TheCenter though.

    Error message:

    Fatal error!

    VERSION: 248.2 
    ShooterGameServer.exe!IOnlinePlatformData::Compare() (0x00007ff6de1b87e0) + 0 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\online\onlinesubsystem\public\onlinesubsystemtypes.h:654]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!AShooterGameMode::IsPlayerAllowedToJoinNoCheck() (0x00007ff6de43190b) + 46 bytes [c:\svn_ark\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\shootergamemode.cpp:4095]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!AShooterGameSession::ApproveLogin() (0x00007ff6de4476f5) + 212 bytes [c:\svn_ark\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\shootergamesession.cpp:536]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!AGameMode::PreLogin() (0x00007ff6df01e778) + 22 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\gamemode.cpp:1275]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!UWorld::NotifyControlMessage() (0x00007ff6df2275f0) + 162 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\world.cpp:3915]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!UControlChannel::ReceivedBunch() (0x00007ff6defd7b93) + 0 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\datachannel.cpp:1057]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!UChannel::ReceivedNextBunch() (0x00007ff6defd6918) + 21 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\datachannel.cpp:533]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!UChannel::ReceivedRawBunch() (0x00007ff6defd64dd) + 0 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\datachannel.cpp:330]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!UNetConnection::ReceivedPacket() (0x00007ff6df0d269d) + 0 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\netconnection.cpp:1109]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!UNetConnection::ReceivedRawPacket() (0x00007ff6df0d1493) + 0 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\netconnection.cpp:576]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!UIpNetDriver::TickDispatch() (0x00007ff6def2125e) + 0 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\online\onlinesubsystemutils\private\ipnetdriver.cpp:174]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance_OneParam<APrimalCharacter,void,float>::ExecuteIfSafe() (0x00007ff6de235cf7) + 0 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\core\public\delegates\delegateinstancesimpl.inl:532]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!TBaseMulticastDelegate_OneParam<void,float>::Broadcast() (0x00007ff6df0b8359) + 14 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\core\public\delegates\delegatesignatureimpl.inl:1784]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!UWorld::Tick() (0x00007ff6df0ad471) + 0 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\leveltick.cpp:1092]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!UGameEngine::Tick() (0x00007ff6df00f35f) + 0 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\gameengine.cpp:1139]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() (0x00007ff6de1975f3) + 0 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:2376]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!GuardedMain() (0x00007ff6de19306c) + 0 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:140]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() (0x00007ff6de1985ba) + 5 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:125]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!WinMain() (0x00007ff6de1986e8) + 8 bytes [c:\svn_ark\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:209]
    ShooterGameServer.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x00007ff6dff0ef1d) + 21 bytes [f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c:618]
    KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffca9b716ad) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
    ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffcab944629) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
    ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffcab944629) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]


    Make a PGArk on solo
    Copy Gami.ini AND cache files into server
    Run server

    See video I posted below

  3. 5 hours ago, Mystalias said:

    Looking at your error message, the first thing I thought of was that something in your settings is too high for your server to handle... but if you can make and use the map in single player, that seems very odd. I'm wondering if you've missed a step somewhere, like copying a map cache file or something...

    Transferring the cache files (2 of them) fixed the issue, thanks!!


  4. 1 hour ago, BubbaCrawfish said:

    Does the server run with the normal maps rather than the PGArks?

    If you haven't tried that then I'd suggest you do, and check that it's not trying to load the Primitive+ mod, as it's mentioning that.


    If the map doesn't load in vanilla then I'd be looking at your runtimes seeing as most of the errors in there are saying about "Unknown Function"s, which would suggest something isn't installed right.

    Yup, jut tested The Center, runs like a champ.

  5. 58 minutes ago, Mystalias said:

    Looking at your error message, the first thing I thought of was that something in your settings is too high for your server to handle... but if you can make and use the map in single player, that seems very odd. I'm wondering if you've missed a step somewhere, like copying a map cache file or something...

    So I have to transfer the cache folder to the server as well? I'd assume it made ons own but I'll try it. 

  6. Ok fellow players and Ark Admins. I'm running a dedicated Ark Server here at home, and I can not for the life of me get Procedural Arks to work. Everything I try, causes my Gaming Rig to crash. I can load Offical Procedural Servers just fine.

    PGARK?listen?MultiHome= is the command I'm using.

    All I've done is insert(per Dev Instructions) my solo Game.ini settings into the Dedicated Servers Game.ini.

    All my other maps run without issue. I usually run ASM for my other maps, but running procedural manually to troubleshoot the issue.


    EDIT: Yes, I've tried checking of local game data, and ensuring the server and my gaming rig are running the same version. Even checked the game files for validity on the server.


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