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Everything posted by AkiraMysticMoon

  1. I feel sadden that it doesn't transfer ownership because that would give people that want to continue the mod without fading out of obscurity. But also hand all rights to party that keep it alive and going.
  2. I still have a problem with paid mods because of a few reason. 1. Is the grantee of the quality of it being safe to be distribution. Who know what could be on their like a virus or incompatibility issue with other mods 2. Copyrighted material you see people recreation models of franchisees. Which would cause a legal issue because wild card would be taking a bit of the profit and allowing this to go on. 3. Is knowing the dev of that mod alway working on the product and not letting it sit with outdated changes to a prior version of the game. 4. Who the one that gets payment for the mod. The reason why I ask this because I have seen this in Minecraft that mod devs stop supporting their mods and someone else asks for the code to revive it. Would they be a way to transfer ownership as well rights of payment to one that maintaining the mod itself? These are a few reason of my head to why it might not be such a great idea to having a paid mods system.
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