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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Ollie69

  1. I would like to suggest if its possible and popular enough that a type of new official server could be set raid hours. What I mean by this is for more casual players who want to play PVP as well as not be offlined every single night on an official server could have a server type that only allows building damage during a set time period each day. This would not only allow for casual PVP players to have a fighting chance of actually building up, but it will also encourage a pvp enviroment of online combat versus simply waiting for your oppenent to go to work or bed and then deleting their base, tames, and items. An example would be say a North American West Coast server that has building damange enabeled from 1700-2359 pacific standard time 7 days a week. Outside of those times enemy tribes and players would not be able to damage building structures but could still damage players and player tames. So essentially the open world pvp continues 24 hours a day on the server but the base raiding is only open during a time block. This time block could be adjusted for weekends to be larger since the most common work week schedule is M-F. Over my many hours of playing Ark Ascended I have run into and chatted with many players. The largest common complaint or change ive ever heard requested is the exact setup I described above that limits building damage to set hours each day. People enjoy defending their base and the combat that comes from that as well as people enjoy defenders being at the base and the combat and fun you get from being on both sides of the event.
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