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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Leusheit

  1. Hi everyone😃, While I'm aware of mods that help with stats mutation, I'm unaware of vanilla game(with updates and dlcs) settings, which would do something similar. If there are settings for that, please post them. Oh and I'm not talking about settings, which let me hatch 500 Dinos the fastest.😂 So, who feels left out of the topic? In this game, you can breed Dinos and on really rare occasions, you can get a stat mutation. If the stat mutation is actually the stat you desire, well that is a matter of its own. Essentially you would loop this process, until one stat is maxed out or really high. Such a Dino is, arguably, unreasonably good compared to its original ancestors. Naturally you would do that with interesting Dinos, whatever you choose is your choice... My suggestion is to implement settings to single player and dedicated servers, to make stat mutation drastically more viable to the vanilla game (with updates and dlcs). Sliders for single player: Stat mutation occurring from the Mother: 0 to 100 Stat mutation occurring from the Father: 0 to 100 From both Parents the higher stat is inherited 0 to 100 Probability for Health mutation: 0 to 100 Probability for Stamina mutation: 0 to 100 Probability for Food mutation: 0 to 100 ... Gender control? As last idea, after I've reread my post. Maybe it's useful for someone. And all other applicable stats. Or 'Charge' for special stats. 0 means a mutation in that stat never occur and each other value is in proportion. The same would apply for dedicated server, only that the slider would be a value in an .ini file or a launch setting.😎 I've seen post where people asked for, what I suggest is, exactly this or something really similar. I know that there are mods, but none does it as accurate and has some limit to its use. Additionally other settings allow such fine tuning for gameplay, so that stat mutation feels left out, completely. If you don't like this, you have never seen my post. However, If we share some braincells on this topic, please help me to rise more attention.😄 Cheers
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