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Early Birds
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Everything posted by AnguisRex

  1. As i write this, I am furious. Angry enough to make an account to come here and voice my frustrations. SE was a buggy mess, but it was always 'Early Access' and we knew it was basically a paid Beta. SA was supposed to be a finished product. So why the hell can't it so much as SAVE YOUR PROGRESS. I have lost hours of single player time, including a full imp'd Carcha that now hasn't even been bred yet. And this is AFTER using the 'Saveworld' console command. When i opened the game after work today, i was at the bottom of the ocean. My Rhynio was at the surface, to far to call down and i had no scuba because i wasn't free diving. Their are posts on the forum over a month old and still no damned fix. This game is far to unforgiving for this JV crap to happen. I used the console command, then i used the start menu to exit to main menu, closed the app and turned off my xbox like i always do. I took every step i could to curb this nonsense but to no avail. This isn't a finished product and the Devs have no right to demand payment for it. How can you expect us to shell out more money for Ark 2 when you can't even provide the games we've already paid you for. And for anyone who's about to comment something like 'but muh pvp', don't bother. I paid for a product that i have yet to receive (that being a completed, market ready game) and that's all that's relevant. I wasted half my day off on something that apparently never happened.
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