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Everything posted by LadyMariaEnjoyer

  1. Our server is having a fresh start on Friday, December 1st and whitelist applications are already open! About the Server… Step into a world where survival isn't just a matter of strength; it’s history waiting to be written. Our server motto, "Create your story or die painfully trying..." isn't just a statement; it's a call to action. May you rise as a revered hero or plunge into the depths of infamous notoriety as a scoundrel. Regardless of the direction your journey unfolds, only those with an insatiable appetite will etch their names into the annals of legend. Welcome to VitalityRP, where you're not handed survival on a silver platter; rather, it's earned through the indomitable qualities of resilience and adaptability. Join us, and let your story resonate in a world where each chapter is a testament to your skill, determination, and ability to thrive amidst the uncertainties. Your story awaits, shrouded in mystery—will you master the game, or become a pawn in someone else's narrative? The Story So Far.. "We here at Stormlord Mining Company have been receiving reports of an ancient Dwarven kingdom somewhere at the distant reaches of the ocean for some time now. Lands filled with gold, mithril and other rare treasures as far as the eye can see! We’ve sent out dozens of scouting parties, and are finally now receiving reports, most of which are disappointing. One, however, claims they may have found this land, but it seems there are some problems. The report claims that while yes, there are massive deposits of rare minerals, the natives appear to have gone mad and our mining teams are unable to establish a long term settlement on land. If you are reading this, know we have sent this letter out far and wide. Stormlord Mining Company is putting out notice that we are hiring anyone willing and able to go collect those minerals for us. In return, we will provide a safe staging ground for you to launch from, and payment for bringing in these resources. Bonuses will be provided for anyone able to figure out what caused the Dwarves to go mad and abandon Khazadurin." Click here to continue reading our Lore!: [https://www.vitalityrp.net/home/lore/lore] Why join VitalityRP? The map featured this season is the beautiful Svartalfheim! A gorgeous setting of gold-rich mountains, lush forests, dwarven themed architecture and lore for you to dig into. We have added many fun ways to customize your character including 12 unique races, character paths, and a variety of Deities to choose from! We also have a wide variety of mods dedicated to décor for your homes and mods focused on quality of life changes to enhance your experience. The server rates are also slightly boosted to ensure that there is still a challenge but not super grind intensive so you can enjoy roleplaying sooner. Server Rates: 2x XP 2x Harvesting 5x Taming 5x Breeding Website & Discord Code: If interested, visit our website for a much more in-depth look at this amazing world we’ve thoughtfully put together for all to enjoy. Also, come visit us in our discord and say hi! Click here to check out our website: [http://www.vitalityrp.net] Click here to join our Discord: [https://discord.gg/4JqkGgdXg8] We hope to see you soon! ❤️
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