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Early Birds
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  1. The Psittacosaurus. -It was a small herbivore from the early cretaceous period. It fed on mostly plant life. -My suggestion of this creature is that it would be addicted to gacha crystals and would automatically gather any dropped in the surrounding area. It would then crack them open and store the loot in its inventory, with its drag weight reduction for any items found in gacha crystals, for you to collect out of it later. -It would also give a passive buff to any gachas in its vicinity to produce higher loot quality, similar to a liopluradon's ability with underwater drops. -This creature would be an essential asset to any player with a gacha farm, especially those who may choose to play vanilla without mods. !DISCLAIMER! -none of the assets in the dossier and post are mine.
  2. Hello survivors! I've got quite a curious creature idea for you today. So I introduce the Platyhystrix! A strange blend of a Dimetrodon and a toad. It also secretes a poison from its skin that has many uses and abilities, which should be visible for you to read in the dossier image. -I propose a passive bio-toxin farm which can be found in the waters of the blue zone. -It will be a shoulder companion with a major caveat, that poison that it secretes is deadly to all who touch it! -It may also be tamed in a different way to what is detailed in the dossier. Unfortunately, I'm not as creative as most of you out there so couldn't come up with a truly unique taming method but, because of this, I welcome suggestions. -I truly believe that this creature would be right at home on Aberration due to it still be a real creature but having a very fictitious appearance (which fits Aberration's fantasy feel) Apologies for the low quality of the dossier image, I came up with this quite late. !DISCLAIMER! -None of the assets in the image are mine. -I am simply using them to visualize my creature concept. -I am making no claim of ownership. -Image links can be found below: https://w7.pngwing.com/pngs/64/38/png-transparent-torosaurus-triceratops-tyrannosaurus-quetzalcoatlus-fissuravis-weigelti-platyhystrix-tyrannosaurus-animal-electric-blue-thumbnail.png https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/616221072375596508/D840C750304F0CA7C6F24D9677C3BAEDCB89AEA8/?imw=1024&imh=662&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true -Please don't sue me.
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