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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Vechr

  1. My suggestion for the ark ragnarok creature is the Shantungasaurus, the largest hadrosaurus and largest non sauropod dinosaur! My idea for it is that it would have powerful roar attack that slows creatures and does a lot of damage(obviously has a cooldown). It is the key to taming it as the Shantungasaurus being a proud creature will only be tamed when it is bested by another creature. Thre process is first you have to tame a creature that has a roar(such as a yuty, rex, or even thyla), then you will have to have to lower it health, after getting its health down to 50 percent health it will unleash a devastating roar, as its doing the roar your own creature also has to do its own roar. After this the shantungasaurus will start taming and gain a rage buff, this will cause it to get a 20% damage boost and start regening health VERY quickly(this will be nerfed upon taming), the goal is for you creature to survive long enough to tame it as if it get below 50% health it will begin to lose taming effectiveness. After taming the Shant has 3 attacks, a left click bite that does decent damage and hits quickly, next is the righ click attack that will alternate between a tail swipe and a kick(same damage and speed of the bite), these two excel at gathering wood and that while the shant also has 50% weight reduction on both of these.And finally is the roar that does the most damage out of all the attacks. If the roar attack hits a creature that has a drag weight above 275 it will gain a rage boost as it doesn't tolerate other large creatures challenging it. The rage boost will as previously stated give it 20% extra damage, rapid regeneration, and an immunity to stuns, while also slowing the down the opposing creature, if other shantugasaurus are in the area they will aslo receive the buff. When tamed instead of only doing the roar when its at half health it will roar when at 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20%(unriden ofcourse). Its saddle will take hide, wood, and metal with 3 seats, the drivers seat on top behind the neck and the two other seats on the sides of the shant right below the drivers. In the wild it will be an interesting encounter for survivors, if you get near it with a creature that has less than 275 drag weight it will simply ignore you untill you attack it, HOWEVER if you bring a creature above 275 drag weight it will become aggresive. So it will be mostly a threat to midgame players that have just gotten their first rex(It will also attack wild creatures above the drag weight). Its rage buff will activate when it roars and hits a creature above the required drag weight(regardless if you have roared or not). Luckily if you havent roar its regeneration buff will not be as powerfull. So now about where to find it, it likes watery enviroment that host a large amount of vegetation such as SW tropics, Nothern Swamp, Hidana, Taosst Creek(all with an uncommon spawn rate) and rarely in the Hidden Oasis and the Dark Waters. They spawn in spread out groups of 3 and will most likely be seen fighting other large creatures.
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