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  1. ESSEXELLA ASHERAE THE RADIOACTIVE TERROR APPEARANCE: Very similar to the Vampire Squids known in our world, the great differential of the squids that inhabit the aberration is in the fact that they float, and do not live in the water, besides of course, like the Gremlins, they have a rule: No Feed an Essexella Asherae radiation! WILD: Wild Essexella Asherae are normally peaceful, and live floating in the higher parts of the aberration. They feed on small insects they find, such as light beetles, but they have a problem: they are addicted to Reaper pheromones. They are unable to resist when a player uses a pheromone or when they encounter Reapers. The problem is: Reapers are in the radioactive part of the aberration, and the radiation has a powerful effect on the Ark's Essexella Asherae: It causes them to mutate, and transform into a giant creature, which is part of humanity's greatest nightmares : Cthulhu. In their Cthulhu form, the Essexella Asherae are slightly larger than the Reapers, and with overwhelming power, they are able to kill everything in their path, until they manage to satiate their uncontrollable appetite for pheromones. The entire body would look something like this: DOMESTICATED: Essexella Asherae have the same ability as other aberration animals: they can produce their own light, and, because they are small, they can cling to the players' shoulder, to protect them from threats that use darkness as a form of attack. Its charge meter is also used in its Cthulhu form, being the meter of the amount of blows that Essexella Asherae is able to deliver before returning to its normal form. DOMESTICATION: The taming of an Essexella Asherae is divided into 3 parts: attraction, combat and control. To tame an Essexella Asherae, the player needs to attract it to radiation, and have at least one powerful radiation-resistant creature. To do this, the player must consume pheromones from Reapers to attract their attention. Once it has their attention, the player must move to the radioactive part of the map, where a bar will then appear over Essexella Asherae's head. This bar counts the amount of radiation Essexella Asherae has accumulated, and when full, Essexella Asherae assumes its Cthulhu form, transforming into the most ferocious and devastating beast of all aberration. In Cthulhu form, Essexella Asherae completely loses control, and starts attacking everything around it, including the player. A full bar appears above her head, and it shrinks over time, indicating the amount of time left for her to return to her normal form. Another extremely important detail: in this form, the Essexella Asherae are only affected by creatures resistant to radiation. Otherwise, the creature doesn't deal damage to Essexella Asherae, and still takes passive radiation damage. At that moment, the player must mount the creature resistant to radiation (we indicate a Reaper), and start a fight with Essexella Asherae to enter the second part of the dome. Essexella Asherae will focus on the player while the pheromone effect is active, otherwise it will attack everything around it. Wild Reapers will spawn and engage in combat. The player needs to be very careful, because if Essexella Asherae kills a Reaper, the bar over its head fills up again, and its hp regenerates, which makes taming it very difficult. When Essexella Asherae's hp drops, she will grab the creature the player is mounted on, and will be immobile for some time. At this time, the player must dismount the creature and approach the Essexella Asherae's face, and feed it Reaper pheromone. When you do so, Essexella Asherae's hp will restore itself, as well as its time bar, and it will allow the player to ride it, and thus start the third part of taming. Once the player mounts the Essexella Asherae, it lets out a scream that attracts all Reapers around it, and the player must kill all those around it. The player must pay attention to the meter above Essexella Asherae's head, because if it goes to zero, it returns to its original form, and the tame is lost. This meter drops faster if the player uses a special move from Essexella Asherae, otherwise, it drops at the same speed as the battery charge of a normal aberration light animal. Thus, the player must kill all the Reapers around him until the taming meter fills up completely, and Essexella Asherae finally returns to its original, tamed form. It is important to emphasize that taming occurs in the radioactive part of the map, that is, it is important to be equipped to resist radiation. Another important detail: even after being tamed, in Cthulhu form, Essexella Asherae continues to emit radiation. Creatures that are not resistant to radiation and players that are not equipped with resistant armor take passive damage. SKILLS: In normal mode, Essexella Asherae, when in radiation, will passively generate radioactive element in your inventory. This element can be used to transform Essexella Asherae into Cthulhu on any map. 100 radioactive elements are required per transformation. Note: In radioactive areas, a tamed Essexella Asherae has no time limit to maintain its transformation. She can stay in this form for as long as the player wants. Only outside of the radiation will the radioactive element be needed and the transformation time is equivalent to the light charge it has. In Cthulhu mode, Essexella Asherae has 3 abilities: NORMAL ATTACK, which consists of a sequence of punches; LIGHT PUNCH, a punch that deals 4x more damage to creatures that take light damage (Reapers and unknowns etc.), and 2x more damage than a normal attack. A light punch consumes 10% of Essexella Asherae's total light charge. RADIOACTIVE LIGHT CANNON, a blow that combines radiation and light in a powerful shot that comes out of its mouth, causing enormous damage to everything in front of it, with a great range. This blow passes through targets, that is, if it hits a creature, it will pass through it and hit targets behind it up to the limit of its range. This move expends around 50% of Essexella Asherae's total light charge. Note: An Essexella Asherae, when its charge of light is depleted, will only be able to transform back into Cthulhu mode when its charge of energy reaches 100%. An Essexella Asherae has the ability to grab and hold any creature smaller than or equal to a giganotosaurus. The creature is immobile, unable to attack, while Essexella Asherae's energy charge drops 3x faster during this process. In this way, Essexella Asherae becomes the ideal companion for taming other animals, as it gives the player enough time to set a trap around the creature instead of luring it into one, as well as making it an excellent creature. for pvp, as it can make it impossible for an opponent to move.
  2. Wild: Thanatotheristes are aggressive, attacking anything that moves near them. Don't try to get close unless you're looking for certain death! They like to travel in groups of up to 5 individuals, which makes them even more lethal. It is common to see Thanatotheristes holding smaller prey in their mouths, while the others in the pack attack the animal that is trapped in its companion's jaws, leading the victim to a quick and painful death. Domesticated: Despite being relatively smaller than its cousin, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Thanatotheristes They are much appreciated by the tribes due to their great combat skills. Because they are smaller, they are faster than a Tyrannosaurus, and their unique ability to resonate with other carnivores makes them a worthy combatant on the battlefield: Skills: Thanatotheristes have 2 standard attacks: bite (basic) and the ability to hold the victim in their jaws. This attack has reduced damage, but allows Thanatotheristes to carry the victim for a long time, while still having stamina, much like the Megalosaurus ability. In addition, it has a unique ability: resonance with other carnivores. How does it work? Basically, you can add to your Thanatotheristes saddle the drops of other carnivores, such as Tyrannosaurus arm, Allosaurus brain, Spinosaurus candle and so on, and each of these drops give unique abilities to your Thanatotheristes for a range. of 500 seconds (like effects already known in the game). Spinosaurus Sail – When equipped, gives Thanatotheristes the ability to move through water like Spinosaurus. It also gives Thanatotheristes a 33% boost to its natural defense. Allosaurus Brain - When equipped, gives Thanatotheristes the bleeding effect on its bite. Additionally, it reduces Thanatotheristes' stamina consumption by 33%. Giganotosaurus Heart - When equipped, gives Thanatotheristes a 100% HP boost. Tyrannosaurus Arm - When equipped, gives Thanatotheristes a 100% Melee boost. Yutyrannus Lungs – When equipped, gives Thanatotheristes the ability of Yutyrannus' roar. Additionally, if Thanatotheristes kills a griffin, it gains 50% increased movement speed for 500 seconds. Each Thanatotheristes can have 1 drop equipped to their saddle. This drop is consumed when the effect starts, and lasts for 500 seconds. After that, the player must wait 30 seconds to be able to equip a drop again. Thanatotheristes have a pack effect, just like Allosaurs, but with a difference: they have a pack synchronization, where each of them gives the effect of their saddle to the other members of the pack. That is, it is possible to have a team of Thanatotheristes with all the active effects, each one of the group passing the effect to another. If a male Thanatotheristes is equipped with a drop, and mates, it increases the chance that the pup will receive a stat mutation, depending on the drop it is equipped with. This increase is 33% List of mutations below: Spinosaurus Sail – Food and Oxygen Allosaurus Brain - Weight Giganotosaurus Heart - HP Tyrannosaurus Arm - Melee Yutyrannus Lungs – Stamina Additionally, the drop that is equipped to Thanatotheristes' saddle gives him the ability to track the closest matching creature with the highest level. That is, if he is equipped with a Giganotosaurus Heart, he can locate the highest level wild Giganotosaurus closest to the player on the map, and a tracker will appear on the map for the player. Domestication: Taming a Thanatotheristes is not an easy task. First, because he was always in a pack. It is necessary to isolate the Thanatotheristes you want to tame from other members in order for it to be tamed. But there's a catch. If a pack member is killed, the taming quality of the Thanatotheristes you want to tame is lowered. Each pack member killed equals a 25% drop in Thanatotheristes taming. If the 4 members of the band are killed, and only the one you want to tame remains, it will not be tamed, and can only be tamed when the other members of the band have respawn. To tame Thanatotheristes, the player must render the remaining members of the pack unconscious and alive. The Thanatotheristes that the player wishes to tame cannot be knocked unconscious, as taming is passive. After ensuring that the other members of the pack are immobilized, the taming bar will appear over the head of the remaining Thanatotheristes, already at 33% tamed, and will indicate the taming's effectiveness. Now, the player needs to approach Thanatotheristes. He will stand still and watch the player, but will attack if the player approaches. To get closer, it is necessary to roar at Thanatotheristes with one of the predators he has resonance. The player must have in his possession one of the 5 predators: Giganotosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Spinosaurus, Allosaurus or Yutyrannus. When the player roars with one of these creatures, a timer will appear over Thanatotheristes' head, which consists of an intimidation time. During this time, the player can approach and feed Thanatotheristes one of its favorite foods: Spinosaurus Sail, Allosaurus Brain, Giganotosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Arm or Yutyrannus Lungs
  3. INFORMAÇÃO: São aves muito reservadas, consideradas extintas no mundo real há pouco mais de 50 anos. O único registro universalmente aceito desta espécie é um vídeo de 1956 produzido pelo Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. APARÊNCIA: Os machos têm um topete vermelho, geralmente usado para atrair a atenção das fêmeas. São os maiores pica-paus conhecidos pela humanidade, atingindo até 60 cm de altura, além de um bico poderoso e afiado. São pássaros muito bonitos. SELVAGEM: Os pica-paus imperiais são comuns em Redwood, onde passam o dia bicando suas enormes árvores em busca de comida. Seus bicados podem ser ouvidos de longe, ecoando por todo o bioma. Eles são bastante ariscos, se um jogador se aproxima deles, eles fogem imediatamente. Eles não costumam entrar em brigas, a menos que seja para proteger seus ninhos embutidos nas árvores. O predador que ousar se aproximar do ninho pode estar preparado para um ataque extremamente rápido e feroz de vários pica-paus imperiais, que lutam até o fim pela proteção de seus filhotes. O mais impressionante de tudo é a relação simbiótica que este animal desenvolveu com o tilácoleo. Ambas as espécies convivem em perfeita harmonia, com o pica-pau se alimentando dos restos de carne encontrados nos dentes do tilácoleo. É comum ver pica-paus imperiais pendurados na boca de tilácoleos selvagens. Em troca do serviço prestado, o thylacoleo fornece proteção aos ninhos do pica-pau imperial, tornando muito difícil para os jogadores coletarem seus ovos. DOMESTICADO: Os pica-paus imperiais são excelentes domesticadores. Eles geralmente ficam nos ombros de seus treinadores. Eles são muito populares porque possuem a mesma habilidade que as lontras, de carregar artefatos, além de coletar recursos passivamente, o que facilita muito a sobrevivência na arca. Além disso, por sua relação com o tilacoleo, carregar um deles no ombro garante proteção contra o predador mais temido da Sequóia, já que o tilacoleo não ataca jogadores que estejam acompanhados de um pica-pau imperial. HABILIDADES: Os pica-paus imperiais possuem algumas habilidades passivas, que podem ser extremamente úteis para os jogadores. São eles: CARREGANDO ARTEFATOS – Assim como as lontras, os pica-paus imperiais são capazes de carregar artefatos em seus inventários. SIMBIOSE COM THYLACOLEO – Devido à sua relação de simbiose com thylacoleo, os jogadores que têm um pica-pau imperial no ombro não correm o risco de serem atacados por um. Além disso, o pica-pau imperial pode ser útil para domesticar esses animais, pois seu grito pode atrair o tilacoleo selvagem para mais perto, facilitando assim sua identificação e domesticação. Wild Thylacoleo também concederá proteção a um Imperial Woodpecker que está no modo de forrageamento, impedindo que criaturas selvagens e outros jogadores o ataquem. NOTA: Se um jogador que tem um pica-pau imperador no ombro for atacado, o tilácoleo selvagem atacará os atacantes do jogador. A proteção e a imunidade causadas pelo efeito do pica-pau do imperador no tilacoleo são esgotadas quando um jogador ataca um tilacoleo. RECOLHA PASSIVA DE RECURSOS – O Pica-Pau Imperial tem um modo passivo de coleta de recursos. Se você tiver esse modo ativo, todos os dias, às 5h, o pica-pau se deslocará para a Sequóia, onde passará o dia coletando recursos de suas árvores. Os recursos que o pica-pau imperial pode coletar das sequóias são: - seiva - Seiva Cristalizada (de todas as cores) - Mel - flor rara - cogumelo raro Além desses recursos, existe a possibilidade do Pica-Pau Imperial também encontrar itens raros, que normalmente são encontrados em drops. Eles podem ser itens prontos ou até projetos. A raridade dos itens e as chances de encontrá-los variam de acordo com o poder de ataque do pica-pau. O pica-pau imperial tem uma redução de peso para esses recursos, assim como os castores têm para madeira. O pica-pau imperial passa o dia inteiro no Redwood coletando esses recursos e começa a voltar para a base às 18h. Ao chegar na base, ele pousa e emite seu chamado para avisar aos jogadores que voltou. Ele continuará cantando até que os jogadores abram seu inventário para coletar o que o pica-pau trouxe. Se ele traz um item raro, seu canto muda, indicando a felicidade de conseguir algo especial. DOMESTICAÇÃO: Existem 2 maneiras de domar um pica-pau imperial. A primeira é roubar seus ovos. O problema é identificar e alcançar os ninhos, pois eles estão no topo das sequóias. Caso o jogador consiga encontrar um ninho, outro problema é a dificuldade de alcançar os ovos, já que os ninhos são feitos em buracos dentro das sequóias. O jogador precisa se pendurar ou voar na frente do ninho para coletar. Além disso, assim que os jogadores coletarem os ovos, os pica-paus imperiais selvagens começarão a gritar e atacar o jogador. Os gritos atrairão todos os tilácoleos próximos, o que ajudará a defender o ninho. Se o jogador conseguir passar por todas essas dificuldades, basta chocar os ovos e então começar a criar esse lindo animal. A outra forma é a domesticação de pica-paus imperiais adultos. Para isso, o jogador vai precisar de um thylacoleo, além de vegie cakes, e um traje de camuflagem completo (Ghillie Gear). Ao avistar um pica-pau imperial selvagem, o jogador deve parar um tilacoleo no modo passivo e se esconder. O Pica-pau Imperial virá à boca do Thylacoleo para se alimentar dos dejetos em sua boca. O jogador deve então se aproximar agachado e alimentar o pica-pau imperial com o bolo vegetariano. Cada vez que é alimentado, o pica-pau imperial levanta voo e só volta à boca do tilacoleo quando está com fome novamente. O jogador deve então se esconder novamente, e repetir o processo, até que o pica-pau imperial seja domado.
  4. LION FISH, THE LITTLE BIG DANGER OF THE OCEANS Wild: Lion fish are extremely aggressive, they attack absolutely everything that approaches their nests, they are totally immune to any type of camouflage used by players and creatures. They usually stay on top of their nests, taking care of their eggs. If chasing a target that tries to flee to dry land or take flight, Lionfish will continue to target the target as long as it is within range of their pressurized jets of water. Because they are extremely aggressive, their taming is not possible, but there are other ways to obtain one. Domesticated: There are a total of 3 variations of Lion Fish, each with its own skill and particularity, and once a player owns one and puts on a saddle, it becomes an extremely useful mount due to its speed and unique abilities. The Lionfish has a large amount of stamina, allowing for long journeys and many attacks on the targets of its tamers. Lionfish Species: DENDROCHIRUS BRACHYPTERUS Its main ability is attacks with pressurized jets of extremely hot water, which causes players to burn status, in addition to giving resistance to temperature changes for anyone in their saddle. The thorns on its body have the same effect, if any creature bites a Dendrochirus Brachypterus, it will receive, in addition to damage, the burn status. If the target has active burn status and is hit again, there is a 5% chance to double the damage dealt by the burn status. If they are on the surface, it can shoot jets of hot water at targets that are flying or on land, with a long range. It has a weight reduction and metal collection bonus underwater. PTEROIS VOLITANS Its main ability is to launch jets of water with a strong poisoning effect, in addition to its thorns also having the same effect. If any animal dares to bite a Pterois Volitans, in addition to damage, it will suffer from the effect of automatic poisoning. There is a 5% chance that a poisonous attack, when hitting a player, will cause some kind of disease. Like the other Lion Fish, it manages to use its jet of poisonous water on flying and terrestrial targets. It has a weight reduction and black pearl collection underwater bonus. PTEROIS MILES Its main ability is to launch jets of extremely cold water, causing the effect of freezing its target. The thorns on its body grant it the same ability, if any creature bites or injures a Pterois Miles, in addition to damage, it will receive the freezing status. There is a 5% chance that the target will be completely immobile for 8 seconds when hit by the freezing jet. Like the other Lionfish, it manages to shoot its freezing jet at targets. land and flying. If a flying creature is hit and given the 8 second freeze status, it falls and sinks into the ocean. It has a weight saving and biotoxin collection bonus, angler gel and underwater absorbent substrate. Taming: Lionfish cannot be tamed, but their eggs can be stolen from their nests by players who have the courage to do so. There is a possibility of finding up to 10 eggs in a single nest. The problem is that the eggs are not fertilized, which is why the process is more complicated. After stealing the eggs, the player must use a fishing rod to capture a male Lionfish to fertilize the eggs he has. Each species of Lionfish is attracted to a different bait, and they are quite resistant when fishing. DENDROCHIRUS BRACHYPTERUS – Shadow Steak Saute PTEROIS VOLITANS – Battle Tartare PTEROIS MILES - Re-Fertilize To catch a Lionfish, in addition to the bait and the fishing rod, the player must have a fish trap in their inventory, which will be automatically consumed after the fish is caught. With the eggs collected from the nest, and the male fish captured, the player must find a place with water to lay the eggs, and release the male fish along with the eggs. The male will then approach the eggs and fertilize them, then defend them until they hatch. A time counter appears over the male's head, indicating how much time is left for the eggs to hatch. Ideally, the player should not get too close, as the male will attack if he senses his presence. Each male can fertilize 1 egg for every 15 levels he has, that is, 1 male level 15 can only fertilize 1 egg, while a 150 male can fertilize 10. Any more eggs that the male cannot fertilize, he will devour. When the young are born, they attack the male, who does not react and is devoured by them. After that, the player must approach and take possession of the puppies, but be careful, because until reaching the juvenile level, (10%), the puppies are aggressive and will attack the player, (something like the reaper). It is important to emphasize that if a player takes possession of a Lionfish cub, the other cubs that are in the same place can identify it as a target, and attack, causing its death. Care must be taken at this point to prevent this from happening. After 10% growth, the fish calm down and calmly accept the approach of players. The process is the same for domesticated Lionfish, females will lay eggs and only when males are alone with the eggs will they fertilize and protect them. Only the process of killing the male Lionfish will not be necessary, although it counts as the first feeding of the young, which will attack everything that touches the water until they reach 10% of growth. Note: If a Lionfish is caught and released in an environment that does not have eggs to fertilize, it will try to jump out of the water and die, thus avoiding the use of wild animals to harass other players. The capture of wild males is only for their breeding process. Utility: War Mount – In addition to strong special attacks and very good speed, Lionfish allow the player to use weapons when mounted. Its attacks have a wide range and can hit mobile flying and land targets, as well as aquatic ones, making this fish an elite soldier. Base defense - Bases on ocean platforms can be extremely well guarded by some Lionfish, protecting not only from water attacks, but also land and flying attacks. An electronic collar should be put on and let the Lion Fish be aggressive, for greater efficiency in defense. Travel Mount – With a great natural stamina, Lionfish are excellent for underwater exploration, facilitating long distances and escapes if necessary. Resource Collector – Each different species of Lionfish has a weight reduction and a bonus to gathering some resource that is found at the bottom of the ocean, making them excellent collectors of rare materials. Hunting Mount – Due to its firepower and great speed, it is excellent for underwater hunting, managing to subdue creatures much larger than itself with certain ease.aging to subdue creatures much larger than itself with certain ease..
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