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Everything posted by FadeTheWitness

  1. OFC thats alright! I didnt know about the cheetah, ( I would love to see that creature submission if you could find it btw) And you are the owner of this submission, and you can use whichever parts of my suggestion as thats what they are, throwing and seeing what sticks lol. I am more than happy any of my stuff was added, thanks for letting me know about this though! @Sovira ( also I only thought of the tripping part because I thought " What would be hilarious and yet horrifying at the same time? Oh I know! A deer sized spider charging you down after it tagged you off your feet!" lol ) AWWW, ADORABLE! Also, thats very sad that the cheetah was pushed out of a top 10 spot. I hope they make it next year, and that this amazing arthropod makes it to the top vote at the end, as we need more arachnids in ark. We have broodmother which is very loosely a spider, and untameable. We have araneo which is okay, needs a TLC desperately though, and we have bloodstalker which isnt even truly a spider, more of a pseudo-spider Hey is there a place where I can see the current " leaderboard " of the top 10?
  2. I cant say enough about how much I vouch for this idea, there is so much thought put into it, and there's so many ideas. I have a few more ideas, and I will post them here. 1) Trickshot! ( Anti air web-shots ) Maevia can "shoot" globules of webbing and hit fliers, gumming up their wings and making them fall at a decreased amount of fall damage from the wind catching silk (balanced so it isn't punishing). The fliers would be stuck down as though they were net gunned for a slightly less amount of time. Another detail is that the bigger the wings/flier, the more webbing needed to take it down, also depends on what type of wings be it webbed or feathered. 2) Latching Maevia could jump onto targets similar to deinonychus, and could dig into their prey and reposition themselves while staying attached, and possibly even slow down and web dinosaurs they attach to, preemptively webbing their meal. 3) Tripping prey If a Maevia is chasing prey and it isn't catching up, it can web its quarry's moving limbs, tripping it up. In the case of a player running from one of these adorable assassins, it would show as the player being put into the crouch position, or bola'd for a short moment. 4) Babies, babies, babies Maevia are spiders, and spider eggs naturally have many young within them. This would be represented by very high chances of triplets and quadruplets, with possibly higher amounts of hatchlings being born at once. And another part of this is that Males are more commonly born than females are. 5) Picky Eaters Also, as they are predominantly known for hunting other arthropods, chitin, meat, and blood packs are the only food sources to Maevia. 6) Bad Baby! Maevia brood have an additional behavior that mass breeders hate. The age of hatchling is where the worst of the cannibalism occurs. They will eat any other arthropod the size of, or smaller than them, which are very commonly their own siblings. 7) Worst date ever Even in domestic breeding of Maevia, cannibalism is very common. If a female Maevia isn't impressed by a male, it will attack the male even if both are tamed, and will not stop until it cannot sense the male anymore, and if caught the female will eat the male killing it instantly. Be careful with breeding these hungry ladies. This is my 7 suggestions, I hope you enjoy and consider adding them.
  3. I do have a suggestion, as it is an insect, and pretty op, maybe it would be extremely weak to fire, and piercing attacks? Just a simple suggestion to make it more likely to be added, Thanks for reading! ( oh and megatherium would be the ultimate counter with possibly being able to pick it up? )
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