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Early Birds
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Everything posted by DreadLyons

  1. Hello, So I think one of the things I find to be annoying in games is the number of games that have levels and yet don't have tiers. I get it, levels are easy and the higher level something is the more likely it is to be powerful or have better stats. Tiers however would be similar to levels in this way but they would add some better ways to get stronger than just killing everything. An example of how a tier system could work is that once you get to a certain level you could use a certain number of higher level dino resources to upgrade your dinos tier. For example if you use Sarco hide to tier up then your defense would be better, wyvern claw= attack, drake feather= speed, etc. This tier up method would give a more flexible approach to base stats and levels. This is my personal favorite idea of how a tier system could work instead of just boring old levels. Please comment, some of your ideas though as to how this could work since even if they dont add this we could always mod it.
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