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Everything posted by KaijuCowboy

  1. Before we begin. No this is not Godzilla, however it does takes some inspiration from the movie monster. Also yes the species of Coelophysoidea known as Gojirasaurus is considered dubious. Still many creatures in Ark are currently or have been considered dubious (troodon and bronto) So hopefully this will work as a legit creature submission for aberation. Also sorry for lack of good art I drew this in a hurry and wanted to submit asap. Gojirasaurus Wild The strange world of aberation is full of wierd and dangerous life so at first glance the Gojirasaurus looks underwhelming. A Raptor sized dino resembling a Dilo. They are fast and hunts in small packs, nimble bodied they can climb and jump across the rugged terrains and swiftly hunt prey. Overall average among the creatures of Ark. Still stories rise from the depth of the aberation lands, deep in the radiation zone lies beast of fearsome reputation. The Gojirasaurus that thrive in the depths of aberation have grown to large and fat sizes becoming slow and bulky with radioactive saliva drooling from their jaws. This mutated version stands taller than a Carno but smaller than a Rex, about Allo sized. With a oversized stomach and swollen throat this creature stands more up right and almost wobbles as it walks. But don't lets its awkward look fool you its a behemoth when it comes to fighting. This idea of the two different versions is like the Ferox. When a Gojirasaurus is given a special item to eat it mutates and grows into a giant battle behemoth. (This item being a new gem or farmable material in the radiation zone of aberation. ) Gojirasaurus tamed Taming is nothing special just tranq a Gojirasaurus in its small nimble foarm and feed it meat. The small version is simple. A quick early to mid game tame that is very similar to raptors. Except Gojirasaurus can climb walls and jump high and far (less than a procomptodon but more than a normal Raptor) ment to help explore, hunt small dinos, and excape danger. Stat wise I would put it as the same or similar to Raptors. Abilities *can jump and climb up walls *has a bite attack *has a claw attack *mutates when feed radiation gems The larger mutated version is a different story. Any Gojirasaurus can mutate so long as you feed them the required item (radiation gem). This mutation will last for about 60 seconds or 1 min per radiation gem consumed. Riding the mutated version will also require you to have on a hazmat suit unless you can tank the radiation damage the creatures gives off. Stats for this version change drastically from its basic foarm having high HP amd damage along with good carry weight and oxygen. However it's is obnoxiously slow and stamina is also low. However it does have a okay swim speed being faster in water than on Land. Abilities *bite attack *stomp attack (AOE) *tail attack (similar to a bronto tail swing) *special breath attack (this attack caused the creature to consume more radiation gems, its throat swells up and it will spit out a sludge ball like a Dilo would. This sludge is purple and glows and can be aimed while riding a Gojirasaurus, similar to a Magmasuars fire ball ability. Wherever the sludge lands it will damage creatures and survivors in a AOE causing radiation poison) The idea of this mutation is to mix up PVP for the new Ark. Making sure people are always ready with hazmats in every battle, if caught without one its death. Having more AOE especially one that is radiation would be different considering radiation In ark is only something you worry about while exploring aberation and only a small part of it at that.this brings that danger to all of ark. Gojirasaurus also helps early game players by giving them another option for a creatures to use as a exploration mount. Overall I just want a fun reference to old monster movies that also gives ark a new fun play style that also fits into the world. Also thank you all for reading! Also here are some links to information on Gojirasaurus. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gojirasaurus http://www.prehistoric-wildlife.com/species/g/gojirasaurus.html
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