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Early Birds
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Everything posted by OwlBowl

  1. Dossier Species: Gigantoraptor Imperator (Provissional name) Time: upper cretaceous Diet: omnivore Temperament: Territorial - Aggressive Nesting in the sandy deserts of the scorched Earth, the Gigantoraptor Imperator guards its nest from anyone who tries to steal its eggs. The pair is composed by the female of the nest and the male, who patrols and attacks any intruders Whoever wants to raid the nest has to be well prepared, as both parents will protect the nest to death. The male attacking incessantly and the female supporting him at all times. The male is fit for combat with enough life to finish off any intruders. The female will launch 2 types of songs to support him, one for increasing defense that will make the male a tank and another for health regeneration The female, although weaker than the male, will always be protected by it and will flee as soon as it is weak, but not too far from the male, so it can return to combat if we don't kill it. Wild specimens cannot be tamed, but once the hatchling sees us we will be like its parents, but it will not be enough. We must feed it with the food that the female keeps with her. If we do not feed the young with this valuable food, it will perish and the journey to steal the egg was worth nothing. Growing information and How to Obtain it. The creature is tamed by the egg being in the nest, killing its parents and THEN stealing the egg. Killing its parents is important, especially the female to obtain a special item that will be named gigantoraptor milk. (It is not milk but it is based on the name of the regurgitation that birds give to their chicks). 5 units of it that the mother will always have in her inventory after killing her, it will be enough to have a fully grown gigantoraptor. dino characteristics The Gigantoraptor Imperator will fill that void in the great desert that surrounds the scorched Earth map, placing their nests around the desert and protecting them from anyone who tries to steal them. (insects and death worms will ignore and be ignored by the gigantoraptor to avoid constant conflicts.) The male has good health, stamina and damage. As well as great speed. It will be an exploration and combat creature that will be used to explore map areas. When combined with a female, its damage, life and stamina statistics will increase, giving it a bonus. The male is immune to Yuty's roar of fear and Miroraptro's dismount attack The female is a support creature for combat, with poor health and low stamina regeneration, but with the 2 previous chants mentioned, the one for health regeneration and the one for defense will raise an extra 20% of defense (if used. If attached to it by a Yutyrannus is reduced to 10%, but both can be combined) Life regeneration is similar to the Daedon's in a slight way, being a combination of a Yuty and a Daeodon but with both abilities slightly reduced, which will mean that we can take fewer dinos to combat in arenas, but at the same time, being able to combine their abilities to make boss fights more bearable wiki and Links : https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigantoraptor_erlianensis http://www.prehistoric-wildlife.com/species/g/gigantoraptor.html thank you for the template to Metatrox
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