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Early Birds
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  1. I'll chip in and give a more level headed response than most. From the sounds of it ASA will be putting the original experience on par with ark 2. If that's the case the price is more justified, the problem is that we haven't seen it yet so we don't really know. Additionally, a cheaper upgrade fee for people who already own ASE would be a great way to stop people whining. Sunsetting the official servers, on the one hand, they were never gonna be available forever anyway, I'm not sure if there will ever be a 'good' time to close them. Someone did suggest maybe a more gradual transition with the less populated servers going first? Either way I'm sure you have telemetry telling you that official players is a pretty small number of your overall player base so it's probably the not the biggest worry. I'm sure ASA will be amazing, WC always put out stuff that's cool asf.
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