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Early Birds
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Everything posted by LitSuper

  1. As someone who plays on official small tribes as a solo, all my creatures, stuff, and bases are gunna be wiped I guarantee it. Missing imprints on my breeds. Had a Stryder in upload (rip). I can't even remember if I left enough Element in my Tek Gens for 3+ days offline. Trough meat will be spoiled too. (rip juvenile dinos). I'm in a water base and if my gens go down my dinos will drown. Not to mention my turrets going unpowered leaving my base defenseless. This is so stupid. Console players will be going ham on us. Absolute trash. We share servers with console players and they've been able to play while xbox pc players can't be on to contend, defend, or have a chance to tame the new dino while people prob blocking/guarding the spawns for it by now. Not to mention getting a headstart on getting high stat ones. Should have closed the servers for console too as soon as they became aware of it until this is resolved fr unfair. Zero damage control is being done. Poor, poor management. Doubt we'll get any compensation either lmao
  2. this is trash. rip everyones dinos and items in upload. and imprints, and thats if you even have a base left to go to being unable to defend it for 3 days
  3. Same here, zero official servers show up for me and theres no update available in microsoft store app or xbox app
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