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Posts posted by Maria064

  1. Wild Card once again shoot them self in the foot

    Who in there right mind will rent a server just to keep there stuff?
    keep in mind that the official server are very bad they crash often and there is always some problem. 
    So now we have to pay for it and have the same bad problems as it where on official?

    Hell no.   
    Will not buy Survival Ascended.  Wild Card keep showing over and over again that all they care about money and not the costumers/players 

    • Like 2
  2. 11 hours ago, SharkLordSatan said:

    From what I'm able to tell based on the info in the dossier, Rhyniognatha's going to most likely not have the following features the original suggestion had for it;

    - It won't be able to swim underwater and fly
    - It won't be immune to tuso grabs, nor will it be ignored by aquatic creatures
    - Can't roar to temporarily immobilize creatures when not holding something
    - Can't carry aquatic tames
    - Can't carry two medium-sized creatures or one large-sized creature
    - Can't inflict bleed with jaws
    - Can't push back several enemies at once w/ its legs
    - Doesn't produce light, and the glue doesn't act as a substitute to sap/honey/ambergris
    - Possibly no motorcycle saddle :(

    The Creature suggestion is only about the creature. and not its abilities. People always forget that when voting. 
    You should vote for the Creature it self. Not vote on it because of what it can do in the suggestions. 
    Wild card only care about the animal it self and will come up with there own thing for the abilities 

  3. Why did it take SO long for Wild Card to say ARK will be delayed? instead of showing us art of the game every Community Crunch they should just have given an announcement much earlier about it.

    I Sure as Hell won't pay for the *new* game and the DLC for it !
    Won't get ARK2 either. Wild card always do this. Delay things for months and even years!  always disappointing.

    and shutting down officials sucks to.  The New version of ARK and ARK 2 will be full of bugs too. 

    Wild card never fixed the bugs in the first game. And with every single update they did, there where just new bugs !

    And we never got the breed able Griffins!  

  4. 20 hours ago, CosmicSkeleton said:

    That's the trouble with paleontology. We have so little to work with; so few intact specimens, so many eons of evolutionary shifts yet undiscovered, so much land to cover, fossils swallowed or simply tossed about by the depths of an ever rising and falling sea and crushed to shale beneath its weight and tides. The land issue is particularly troublesome since spots containing fossils could very well have been uprooted and destroyed for the march of civilization. Who knows how much we've lost because farmer brown needed more land for crops or big daddy gubmint decided that some random patch of land would be the perfect spot to pave a new road that'll just be filled with potholes within the year because the ground was never stable enough for it.

    The big problem is also that so may scientist and  paleontologist refer to the Archaeoraptor as the missing link. to be the proof the dinosaurs became birds.
    But they cant and should not  refer to it for it was proven to be a fake made by humans under the 90s.   but how can thy sit there and say its the missing link and proof for it  when it wasn't even a real animal? it never existed for its put together by different animals. one small land animal and some other things cant remember the name of it

    Another link to it.  https://crev.info/2019/03/why-is-china-the-leader-in-feathered-dinosaur-fossils/

  5. 22 hours ago, CosmicSkeleton said:

    You're using quotations but I need a link to a source dude. As an aside convergent evolution is a thing. Animals evolve similar features all the time despite not actually being related. Take for example anteaters and pangolins, two entirely different animals from entirely different ecosystems who's only connection is that they're both in class mammalia. In spite of they they've both evolved forelimbs and tongues designed for digging up ant/termite mounds to devour the occupants. Feathers may not necessarily be a sign that one became another, they may just be something that came about because for one reason or another they made the animal with them more successful and thus got passed on to future generations. 

    Modern birds found with dinosaurs

    Theropod Dinosaurs Evolved Into Birds? Not Likely, Says Study

    Fossil shows birds evolved before dinosaurs

    Why birds are NOT descended from dinosaurs

    More Proof That Dinosaurs Lived with 'Later' Creatures

  6. On 2/20/2023 at 11:48 PM, CosmicSkeleton said:

    Pretty sure most fossils that come out of china at this point are either real and end up in some rich dudes private collection or fake and reconstructed out of multiple different fossils or materials. That aside weren't maniraptorians one of the few groups that we knew had species that were feathered?

    Most likely not. Here more info.
    Birds Did Not Evolve from Dinosaurs, Say Evolutionists
    Oregon State University scientists have released a new study debunking the alleged evolution of dinosaurs into birds.

    Oregon State University scientists have released a new study debunking the alleged evolution of dinosaurs into birds.
    Birds did not evolve from dinosaurs: what creationists have been pointing out for years is now  buttressed by new research.
    The study focuses on the relationship between birds’ leg and pelvis anatomy and their breathing system, and notes the
    absence of that relationship in dinosaurs. This is only the latest volley in the debate over bird evolution.
     Expect to hear either a sharp, vocal response from other evolutionists—or total silence.

    Background The research hinges—almost literally—on the femur (upper leg bone) of birds. Unlike other walking creatures, a bird’s femur does not move significantly, and birds instead articulate the lower portion of their leg to walk or run. Quick’s surprising discovery is that this “knee running” anatomy, with nearly fixed femur bones and musculature, is crucial in preventing a bird’s air-sac lung from collapsing whenever the bird takes a breath.

    Quick explained, “This is fundamental to bird physiology. It’s really strange that no one realized this before. The position of the thigh bone and muscles in birds is critical to their lung function, which in turn is what gives them enough lung capacity for flight.”

    Dinosaurs lack this fixed femur, however, and that includes the theropod dinosaurs from which birds supposedly evolved. Oregon State zoologist John Ruben, a coauthor on the paper, commented, “Theropod dinosaurs had a moving femur and therefore could not have had a lung that worked like that in birds. Their abdominal air sac, if they had one, would have collapsed. That undercuts a critical piece of supporting evidence for the dinosaur-bird link.”

    He continued, “It’s really kind of amazing that after centuries of studying birds and flight we still didn’t understand a basic aspect of bird biology.” Ruben added that the appearance of birds before dinosaurs in the fossil record is a “serious problem” that is ignored by those who advocate dinosaur-to-bird evolution “That’s quite possible and is routinely found in evolution. It just seems pretty clear now that birds were evolving all along on their own and did not descend directly from the theropod dinosaurs, which lived many millions of years later,” 

  7. 15 hours ago, GreatLakesGiga said:

    The raptor is very accurate. What's not to like

    There have been so many fake fossils with feathers. I find it very hard to believe they had actually had feather. 
    Here a copy paste of the problem with fake fossils 

     scientists consider so-called “feathered dinosaurs” strong evidence of dinosaurs evolving into birds. 
    Clearly defined anatomy-based species categories exist for ‘bird’ and ‘dinosaur,’ but evolution requires some 
    bird-dinosaur transition, and this is where the fossils found in China fit in.

     Only birds, not mammals or reptiles, have modern flight feathers. Furthermore, with a possible few controversial 
    exceptions, all extinct animals with feathers were birds. Even the proteins in bird feathers, called keratins, are unique.
    One important result was that no evidence for the theory that dinosaurs evolved into birds was found in the 
    Liaoning Province fossils. This is a problem because in the Liaoning Province birds are found nearby the dinosaurs
     they supposedly evolved from, yet no transitional fossils which are part dinosaur and part bird have been found to
     link dinosaurs to birds. One claim was made of such a find which we will discuss. 

    If the evolution of dinosaurs into birds occurred, we would expect that many transitional
     forms, or at least some, would be discovered among the thousands of fossils found in the Liaoning Province.
    Thus, when a transitional form was announced in 1999, it caused worldwide excitement. The transition, called 
    Archaeoraptor, made headlines. The November 1999 National Geographic cover excitedly reported 
    “It’s a Missing Link between terrestrial dinosaurs and birds that could fly.” The full color article added it 
    “is a true missing link in the complex chain that connects dinosaurs to birds.”

    Later, an imaging technique called Cross Section Computerized Tomography revealed it to be a sloppy forgery, built from three separate layers. 
    Two (the top and bottom) were constructed from natural material, and one (the middle layer) was human added. 
    The bottom layer was a piece of shale that was used as the backing on which was placed grout to hold the dozens 
    of separate pieces of rock and bone used to construct the now-proven forgery. 

    Archaeoraptor is evidently only the tip of a large forgery pile. The “flood of ‘improved,’ reconfigured and composite” 
    fossils now in existence is enormous. Many have ended up in the world’s museums, and have caused major problems in 
    Darwinists’ efforts to defend various evolution theories. What some describe as a “flood of sham fossils pouring out
     of China” has, with good reason, caused no small number of persons to be skeptical of all new fossil finds from China.
    One report listed 107 journal retractions of research papers by Chinese authors whose research was questionable. 
     In 2003, evolutionary fossil bird expert Alan Feduccia, referring to the famous Archaeoraptor ‘feathered dinosaur’ 
    fossil widely touted by the National Geographic that turned out to be a fake,

    stated that Archaeoraptor is just the tip of the iceberg. There are scores of fake fossils out there, and they have cast a dark 
    shadow over the whole field. When you go to these fossil shows, it’s difficult to tell which ones are faked and which ones are not

    High-quality fossil forgeries can fool paleontologists just as easily as forgeries in the art community … Luis Chiappe, an early bird expert at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County in California, says that he will “always be skeptical of any specimen that is so neatly arranged, so well preserved in a single slab with little bone missing” 

    • Facepalm 1

  8. Are so disappointed that the Rhyniognatha won. Would rather the Gorgonopsid or one of the cats or even the bison win instead.  Think Wild Card will make it very small. Since in real life its the size of a small mosquito. 

    Think Wild card kinda gives us a hint also. the Picture they Chose of the Rhyniognatha is showing how small it actually is. 

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