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Early Birds
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Everything posted by DobridJenkins

  1. Wild If you ever find odd claw marks rising up the side of a sheer cliff, odds are you have found the path of a Diabolotherium. Unlike their larger cousins, these sloths use their claws to climb sheer surfaces, allowing them to traverse the caves of Aberration with ease. They also have a unique mechanism for descending. Their ultra-dense bones combined with springy joints spread the kinetic energy from falling throughout their bodies, meaning they can safely jump from any height and will simply run it off! Taming Diablos would be a very straightforward to tame, were it not for their habit of hanging from vines and cliff-sides where they are hard to reach. To make matters more frustrating, when on the ground their metabolic rate drops near to zero, so it takes much longer to convince them to eat whatever treats you have brought for them. They are omnivorous, but prefer sweet honey above all! Tamed Diablos are very well rounded. They are built sturdy, can carry a lot of weight, and can traverse up and down the caves of their home with ease. Their fur is unique in that it provides itself a natural defense against radiation, and when sheared and made into a saddle, can protect you as well! Just don't try bringing out the scissors near a wild one, as they can become skittish or even aggressive. They gain a great deal of energy to expel upon landing from a great height, so many survivors use them as raiders to ambush from above. Having seen this in action, it's about as gruesome as you would expect, leaving very little of the unfortunate victim to bury.
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