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Early Birds
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Naked (1/5)



  • Open Tribe  ·  1,975 members  ·  Last active

    tell us about yourself and what kind of tribe you want to play with(pvp pve rp) and then people with "shop" through you and ask people to join their servers!!!!! Also has chats and a page for moders to work together! Please read the rules before you post!

  • Public Tribe

    Map by Map Finishing the Game! Server is north american for Xbox-PC compatible if you have the windows 10 version, not the steam version. Just starting, looking for players 16+ any experience level is fine. I'm willing to teach if you don't know how to play very well. Need discord and microphone so we can communicate easily for boss fights. Prefer east coast and central time zones, server is North American but as long as you are active 10 or so hours a week that's fine.  The intent here is to play through each map one by one and beat the bosses as a group. The server is not super enhanced, faster gather, faster breeding and maturing, slower spoil rates but mostly vanilla. I'm looking for at least 2 other people before we start progressing, hoping for 5 -10.
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